Page 56 of The Spectre

“How did you know where to find me?” Aidan asks, raising his eyebrows. “And sit down, goddamnit.” As he pulls the comfy chair out for me, I sit, grateful for it.

“I know you arsehole. Couldn’t you just stay and have a normal conversation like an adult?”

“He knew,” he says with a pointing finger at Tim. “And he said nothing. He was working for me, and he said nothing. He was supposed to keep you safe. And he said nothing. What did you expect me to do? He knew that the outcome would have been worse if he had told me when it happened.”

Bailey gasps at his words. “You had her followed?” I stop her with a hand gesture.

“You stalked me indirectly for years. You sent your guys to do the job for you.” Surprise washes over his face, his features momentarily frozen in disbelief. “What? You look surprised. I noticed it. I’m not blind. You cheated on me. You had no right to keep tabs on me. If Tim didn’t say anything, it’s because I asked him not to.” I’m out of breath by the end of my tirade.

“You knew he sent people to watch over you, and you said nothing?” asks Scott, in shock.

“What did you expect? You work with him, and he is your best friend. Did you think I would come crying to you? Tim and I had an understanding.”

Aidan is partially in shock by what I’m saying. Too fucking bad for you, buddy.

“So you’re telling me that all this time, you knew, and you said nothing? You knew I sent my guys to protect you, which they failed at miserably and kept your mouth closed?”

“One, I know how to defend myself. I don’t need a babysitter and —”

“YOU ALMOST GOT RAPED. You were hurt, and I wasn’t made aware of it.” He is completely losing his shit.

“Almost is the key word here. And I don’t have to report to you. It happened. Now move on. Tim saved me more than once. He did the job you asked him to.” I’m fuming. He has no right to demand these kinds of things. Not now. Not ever.

“More than once?” Now, it’s Scott’s turn to speak. Damn me and my big mouth. I’ll never hear the end of this. “You need to tell her, man. You need to tell her now before things get worse.” He is almost begging Aidan.

“Tell me what?” What else are they hiding?

“Not now,” he says, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Once we get home.”

“Oh no, you’re going to spill it and now.” I can see Tim shifting uncomfortably and Bailey looking at us with big eyes.


“Don’t ‘Tink’ me. Fucking tell me,” I demand.

“Now, what’s with all the shouting?” Caleb says, entering the room.

“Perfect, now everyone is here. Aidan was just about to tell us something.” He looks at me with pleading eyes, but I don’t buy it.

“Maybe we should—” starts Caleb.

“Nope. Nobody is moving from this room until I know what’s going on.” I take in a deep breath as the pain rushes through me. I guess leaving my bed so soon wasn’t a great idea. Bailey notices my discomfort, and the sound of a glass clinking against the side table fills the room as she pours me some water.

“I…” starts Aidan.

“You what?” I press him. I’ve reached my limit for patience tonight.

“I didn’t cheat on you,” he blurs out. I must have misheard him. That couldn’t be right.

“You didn’t what?” The world around me seems to be spinning.

“I didn’t cheat on you. It was all an act.”

“So you’re telling me you didn’t cheat on me when I clearly saw you with a woman between your legs?” I fail to see how he thinks that isn’t cheating.

“Aye. That is what I’m saying. I didn’t cheat on you. I needed to get you as far away from me as possible. And it was the only way. You wouldn't have believed me if I had told you I wasn’t in love with you anymore. I needed you to leave.” My head spins faster, and I can feel my tears threatening to spill from behind my closed eyelids.

The details of that day are as fresh in my mind as if it happened yesterday. I went to his place looking for him and found him in his room with some bimbo kneeling in front of him, his slacks opened. It doesn’t make any sense.