“I’m the one that needs to tell you that. You’re unpredictable. I never know what you’ll do next.” I smirk at him.
“That’s the beauty of my job. And I had a great coach, so no need to be worried.” Now, he’s the one to look at me with a grin.
“You have a magnificent coach, that’s true.” Shaking my head in amusement, I let out a small chuckle. “But don’t make me kick your arse because you did something reckless,” he says, his voice laced with a warning.
Faking a shocked expression, I put my hand on my heart dramatically.
“Me, reckless? I think you’re talking about the wrong sibling here.”
“Smartass.” I sink into his embrace as he envelops me in a hug and plants a gentle kiss on my head.
I’m startled by the sudden ring of my phone, breaking our moment. Seriously, tonight has been a parade of phone calls. I can feel Tim’s eyes on the phone as I answer it. His body language is tight with tension.
“Reed speaking.” I move further away to ensure that nobody can listen to my conversation with Cailean.
“We hacked into their camera surveillance. There are approximately 25 to 30 women from what we saw. No children. And we counted around 10 guards. One main entrance and one in the back. We’re still checking if there are any underground.”
“Any idea who’s behind this?” I ask, trying to keep my face emotionless. I hear him sigh on the other end of the line.
“Not yet. From what we saw, they are all masked, similar to The Twelve. But we’re making progress and getting closer to unlocking the audio.” I sigh. While The Twelve is composed of powerful businessmen, the masks allow them to hide their identities. But if the other party deliberately wears something similar, that makes me think that they want them to be mistaken for The Twelve.
“Alright. Keep me updated. The mission needs to happen tomorrow. I’ll let the team know.” I take a deep breath. “Cai?”
“Aye, boss?”
“Any news from Jonas, D, and Rocky?”
“Not yet, boss. We can’t track them, but we know they’re alive.” I sigh in relief.
“Good. Go get some rest. Tomorrow will be a long day. And Cailean? Good job.” He thanks me before we hang up.
I take in the scene before me. I don't know what I would do if something were to happen to Bailey or Emilie. We need to find these girls. And soon.
Needing a few minutes to myself, I move toward the bathroom. Too bad I don’t smoke because a cigarette would be welcome. As I finish my business, I open the door when I bump into a chest. A hard one.
“Fuck. Aren’t you tired of sneaking up on me?” Aidan’s green eyes bore into mine.
“It’s not my fault if you get scared easily.” He shoves the door open behind me, sending me stumbling backward into the bathroom.
“What are you doing?” It’s becoming frustrating to be cornered by him repeatedly.
“Who was on the phone?” I have no choice but to step back into the bathroom as he walks closer.
“None of your business.” I glance around, desperately searching for anything that could hurt him, but the only thing in sight is a bar of soap. Great.
He takes another step forward, caging me against the bathroom sink. Seriously? This guy corners me every time he gets the chance.
“None of my business?” he repeats, his words slow. “Was it a guy? Because I didn’t hallucinate you flirting with Tim. Are you seeing someone?” I can feel my heart racing as my breath comes in quick gasps.
“Again, none of your business.”
“Hush. If I recall properly, those were my fingers deep into your cunt a few days ago.” He leans closer, putting his face extremely close to mine. My chin is grasped tightly, forcing me to look into his intense eyes. I can feel the heat of his body seeping through my clothes as his hand lingers on the soft curve of my waist. I’m completely fucked and feel a rush of desire.
What is wrong with me?
“Don’t get your hopes up. I told you it would be a one-time thing.” I struggle to break free from his grasp. Why doesn’t he budge? Is this guy made of steel, or what?
“Is that so?” His grin makes me want to bite him. “And I think I told you it would happen again.” He catches me off guard by grabbing my arse and lifting me onto the sink.