Page 26 of The Spectre

“I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s like she’s hiding something. She was nervous. I know her. Maybe your da’ gave her the resources. Maybe it was her team. But her answer was really vague.”

I think for a minute. While I understand that, as a lawyer, you work with a team, I’m not sure it’s common to have a team that is skilled in hacking into security systems. And it’s not exactly legal. Scott sighs again, and I know he’s going to say something ridiculous.

“I think we need to ask her for help.” I cough as I take a sip of my drink.

“Have you lost your mind? Absolutely not. Nuh-uh. She’s not going to help us. She’s not going to put herself in danger. We are talking about human trafficking here. Woman trafficking.” I almost shout. “There’s no way I’ll allow that. How are you okay with that? I didn’t do all of this for her to end up mixed up in these fucking plans in the end. So you can forget about it. Am I clear?” I feel like a volcano ready to erupt with anger. How did he think I would be okay with that?

“Can you at least think about it? I’m not saying I want her in the front row, but if she or her team are that good with computers, they could help us find valuable information. She would be behind the scenes. I’d never put my sister in danger, and you know it. So stop being a dick and think for two minutes. We already established that you won’t let her go, so she’ll learn about what we do, one way or another. Now the question is, are you ready to share that with her? Which means telling her you snuffed out more lives than she could ever imagine? That you’re not the good guy you used to be after what happened to your sister? Telling her the truth about what happened years ago? I love you like a brother. I’d kill for you. Damn, I’d die for you. But if you’re not ready to do that, I suggest that you leave her be. Let her live her life. Let her go back to France. Let her find a husband and have the 2.5 bairns.” I’m stunned by his tirade.

Did I think about that? Of course, I did. It doesn’t mean I’m willing to share this with her anytime soon. Am I an arsehole for wanting to keep her safe? I don’t think so. My only reason for breathing was to know she was safe and happy. Even if that meant that it wasn’t with me. Now that she’s back, it’s another story. I won’t make the same mistake twice.

We’re interrupted by a knock on my door. I check my watch. Right on time. Scott glances at me, telling me that this discussion is not over. But at least I have some time before he starts back with it again.

“Boss?” asks one of my guys.

“Enter.” Ten of them are here. As I prepare to begin, they shift their weight and straighten their backs, forming a line in front of me.

“We got some news. Kore sent us a video.”

“Kore? We haven’t received anything from him in months,” says one of them, sounding concerned.

I don’t elaborate more, and press play on the video. All their eyes are glued to the screen, their gazes hardening when they see the women chained to the pole. We usually receive the location of where women are or the names of the sellers. But never videos. This is not in line with his usual style. Normally, it’s related to our business or an individual attempting to kill us. But this. This is completely different. I hear them curse under their breath. Most of them have sisters, mothers, wives, or girlfriends, and I know they’re imagining one of them in place of these women. I know it because I couldn’t help but conjure up images of Blakely chained, tortured, and raped, and it makes me sick to my stomach. I don’t need to tell them we’re going on a mission because it’s clear. But Kore is trying to tell us something here. Somehow, I know it’s related to The Twelve.

“We need to establish a plan. I don’t want us to be unprepared. We need to locate where they are.” I hear, “On it,” as I continue. “We suspect the Snakes, but we have no evidence for now, so I need to know who is behind this,” I sigh, “how many women there are. How many guards. How many entrances and where they are situated. We won’t be able to free them in one go.” I see them nod. “Two teams of five will go. Scott, Tim, Al, Shaan, and I will be on the first team. The rest of you, I want you in the back in case something happens.”

“Aye, boss,” they say in unison.

“Now, get prepared. We’re leaving once we have more information about the location.” They all nod and leave my office. Only Scott stays.

“What next?” he asks.

“Next? We’re going to find my da’,” I say, rubbing my temples.

But before that, I’ll have my guys closely monitor Blakely. If the Snakes are behind this, they know my past with her and her connection with Scott. I don’t want to take any risks where she’s concerned.

Leaving the building, I notice the gleaming exterior of Scott’s Range Rover as he walks towards it. As for me, my attention is fixed on my motorbike. I’ll never understand why he chose something so big.

Pretty cliché if you ask me. Riding my motorbike always gives me a sense of liberation and control. As the engine roars to life, I can feel its vibrations coursing through me, and the scent of gasoline fills my nostrils. My heart races, and I feel a surge of adrenaline, sharpening my senses and increasing my focus. Sliding between cars, I push past the limit, which gives me the freedom I need. The ride ends too soon, and without realising it, I’m in front of my da’s gates. Several guards are here, dressed in black. You couldn’t miss them even if you wanted to. I give them a quick nod and pass the security. Parking my motorbike near the fountain, I wait for Scott to arrive.

That’s one of the perks of having one: you’re never stuck if there’s traffic. But it could be that Scotty lost his touch and drives like a grandpa. I pause to take in the sights and sounds around me. I’ve always loved this place. It’s peaceful, in the middle of nowhere. No cars or traffic to disturb you. Just the songs of birds.

It’s green everywhere. The garden is miles long, with a fig tree on the corner and an apple tree not too far from it. Roses and peonies fill the other side. My da’ gave Ms Smith a free pass when it came to the garden after his divorce. She’s been working for him for years doing the cooking, cleaning, and gardening. There’s not a thing that woman can’t do. And to say she wasn’t happy after my parent’s divorce would be an understatement. I don’t know what happened between them. I never asked any questions about it. I guess their love faded through the years. Or my maw was just fed up with my da’s shit.

She’s happy now, and that’s all I can ask for. I might have had my issues with my da’, but he always tried to make me a better man. I guess neither of them are to blame.

Taking a deep breath, I hear Scott’s car park near mine.

“Took you long enough,” I say sarcastically.

“Not my fault if you drive like a mental.”

We walk inside and cross paths with my da’s right-hand man. I never liked the guy. I don’t know how to explain it, but he doesn’t give off good vibes. It’s ironic that we don’t bat an eye at the act of killing, yet there’s something about him I can’t quite grasp.

I don’t bother with a greeting before asking him, “Is my da’ in his office?”

“Yes, he is.” I swear his gaze could shoot daggers at me.

We make our way towards his office, the sound of our footsteps echoing down the hallway until we finally reach the door and knock. I learned early on that my da’ is not the chill kind of guy if you’re coming in without a set time. I almost received a bullet between my eyes once when I entered without knocking, so now I know better.