What can I say? I’ve learned the hard way. But it’s nice to let go for once.
I can feel his warm, alcohol-laced breath on my cheek as he speaks.
“You wanna get out of here, beautiful?” His words are slurs by the alcohol. I turn to face him. He’s cute. If you like the blondie type of guy with dark eyes and built like he drinks helium instead of milk for breakfast. I’m sure he’s the type of guy a lot of women would want tonight, but I’m more of the green-eyed type of girl.
The memory of Aidan’s piercing forest-green eyes floods my mind for the second time tonight.
Ugh, what’s my problem? He hurt you, remember? One look at him and a tornado of feelings comes crashing over me.
“Thanks for the offer, but I’m here with my girls tonight,” I reply.
“You sure? I have no doubt I can give you exactly what you’re looking for.” He raises his eyebrows in an attempt to be seductive. Yeah, he’s not my type at all.
“Thanks again, but I’m good.” I smile at him, hoping that will do the trick.
He smiles back. “Alright. If you change your mind, I’ll be over there,” he says, pointing his finger towards a table with people I assume are his friends.
“Noted,” I add, and he walks off. Okay, he took that better than I expected. The girls join me and start to speak at the same time.
“Damn, Mama,” says Em.
“Who was he? He looks like he would suffocate you in bed.” Bai has a way of adding humour to any situation.
“No idea, lasses. Just a guy. I politely declined his offer to leave with him.”
“As you should. I don’t want the police to call me in the middle of the night because they found a naked woman dead by suffocation. Unless it’s your thing. I don’t judge. But I would rather have my sister alive, thank you very much,” Bailey says seriously. I can’t help but laugh loudly at her absurdity as we go back dancing.
The music changes, and we stay on the dance floor for a few more songs before rejoining our seats.
Chapter 5
I watch her through the glass window of my office, my focus entirely on her. When my security team called me to let me know that Blakely, Bailey, and their friend were here, surprise is an understatement to express what I felt. Doesn’t she know her brother and I own this nightclub? Didn’t he talk about anything related to me at all? I guess it doesn’t matter now.
I can’t tear my eyes from her. Describing her beauty would be like trying to catch a shooting star. Her black dress is like a second skin on her, showing off all the curves that I love. It’s not short but leaves no place for the imagination. I can see the shape of her generous breasts from here.
If she was mine again, I wouldn’t allow her to go out alone dressed like that.
Am I a controlling arsehole? Aye, but it’s nothing new.
She captured the attention of all men present, ready to jump on her on any occasion. And that’s not something I can have. My glass of whisky is long gone as I watch a man approach her from behind and put his hands on her.
The boy is not afraid of death, apparently. My hands itch at the thought of grabbing him by his throat and taking my sweet time cutting his fingers. One. By. One. For touching what’s mine.
“What are you doing?” asks Scott, walking into my office without knocking.
I swear, it’s like this guy doesn’t have his own office. I turn slowly towards him, ignoring the war inside my head. Without saying a word, I direct my gaze to the glass window, revealing what I was observing.
“What are they doing here?” he asks, as surprised as I am.
“Like hell if I know. They don’t know we own this club?”
His hand covers his face as he lets out a sigh. “No. Bailey knows I own one club, but she doesn’t know about this one.”
“And Blakely? You never told her about our business?” I ask because I don’t understand why he would hide that. I mean, the rest, yeah, but that? Our clubs are legit. There is nothing to hide.
“I didn’t. Well, she knows we own a bar, and I guess she knows about the Neox now, but she doesn’t know about this nightclub, and after what happened between the two of you, I avoid talking about you. Well, I have been banned from saying your name in her presence, so I simply didn’t. She literally referred to you as ‘you-know-who.’”