Just as Scott is about to speak, I interrupt him, “Don’t. I get it. Eat before I take them back.” Which makes everyone laugh. “Anyways. As I was saying, we made a deal.” That draws her attention back. “I’m going to stay here, working with him.”
I clear my throat, and Aidan shifts in his seat, his body language eager for me to continue.
“With him? Not for him?” Em’s face is a mask of confusion as she speaks.
“Aye, with him. I’ll take care of the legal side while he’ll do, well, his own things.” Raising my shoulders, I can see Caleb’s smirk out of the corner of my eye. “And I’ll still manage a team for fieldwork. But I’ll be working with Aidan. We have the same goal, and it just makes sense.”
“So you’re staying here?” The sadness in her eyes is palpable, and it breaks my heart.
Taking her hands in mine, I continue, “I’m staying here. My office in Banes is already set up, and I’ve informed Paris that I won’t be returning. Now, the question is, are you going back?”
Confusion is evident in her eyes as she tries to understand what I’m saying. The topic hasn’t come up since we last discussed it.
“Am I going back? I don’t really have any choice in the matter.” I notice Scott from the corner of my eye. It is obvious he is clenching his jaw so hard that it might break soon.
Nothing going on, my arse.
“You do. If you wish to stay here, your position is secure.”
“If you need more space, we can certainly provide a larger office,” Caleb assures.
Riccardo holds his breath, waiting anxiously for her response.
“You’re both serious?” She turns her gaze toward Caleb and locks eyes with him. “You want me to work with you?”
Caleb responds, “You two are in this together as a team and as family now. Of course I want you to work with me.”
“I want you to make this decision on your own terms, without anyone else’s influence. You do what you think is best for —” I start before she jumps into my arms, her tears warm against my neck.
“Aye. Of course I want to stay with you.”
Whispering into her ear, I explain my motives, “I didn’t want to be selfish and take away your freedom to choose. Not after everything that happened. I need you in my life, but not if it means it would bring your demons back.” She is one of the strongest people that I know. She is a survivor. She is my anchor.
“Did you think I would say no?” She looks at me with shiny eyes, her eyebrows raised.
I shrug, because in truth, I didn’t know what her answer would have been.
“You and I are a team. But I can’t leave.” I wiggle my ring finger as I speak, causing her to burst into laughter.
“As if he would have let you go,” she says with a knowing look.
“No one has a say in what I do except myself.” I slump my shoulders and purse my lips in a childish pout.
“Keep telling yourself that.” Her words are true. Aidan would have never let me leave after everything. Or he would have followed me.
She looks at me, her eyes staring deep into my soul before taking me into her arms and whispering into my ears. “I owe you my life. You saved me not only physically but also emotionally. That’s something I could never repay you for. If coming back here means that I’ll have to face my demons, that’s something I’m willing to do because I know you’ll be there with me to kick their arses.”
With a gentle touch, she brushes away the tears that trickle down my cheeks. My heart aches for her. She still has nightmares after all this time. I’ve seen her go through it all. I should be the one wiping her tears away. She doesn’t know it, but she’s the one who saved me and gave me the strength to keep doing what we’re doing. Aisla would have loved her. I’ll do everything in my power to keep her safe. She provides the same stability and strength in my life as Bailey does.
Looking over my shoulder, I catch a glimpse of my brother, who is attentively watching us, his fists tightly clenched. I give him a faint smile. Leaning closer to her ear, I whisper. “You know, one day, you’ll have to tell me what’s happening between you and my brother.” As she tenses in my arms, a giggle escapes me, instantly lightening the mood.
“Sometimes, you’re full of shit, you know that?” she says, detaching herself from me, which makes me laugh harder.
Glancing around, I see Bai’s tear-streaked face just before she launches herself at me.
“You’re really staying?” She chokes on her tears, unable to contain her emotions.
“I am. Eventually, you’ll be begging me to return to France because I will have exhausted your patience,” I joke, and a smile tugs at the corners of my mouth.