My eyes well up with tears as I turn towards him.
“You made me a ladder. A fucking ladder.” My vision is obscured by the tears streaming down my face. I blame my return for my emotions. I’ve never cried this much since I came back.
I feel his warm breath on the crown of my head as he leans in to kiss me.
“I did. I recall that being non-negotiable for you. Take a look at the pouffe.”
There are no questions in my mind as I walk towards it. At the top of it sits a brand new Kindle, its clear case glinting in the light, accompanied by a voucher for a sticker shop. I turn to look at him, and he meets my gaze with a small smile.
“Your Kindle was a relic from another era, almost as old as you. You needed a new one. Just to clarify, I refrained from ordering any decorative items for your Kindle, which is why I opted for a voucher. That way, you can buy as many smutty stickers as you want.” With a twinkle in his eye, he winks at me.
With a smile on my face, I sprint towards him, and we lock eyes as I jump into his strong arms. “I love you.”
“I love you too. I guess you like it?”
“I freaking love it.” His smile stretches from ear to ear.
“Plus, I get to enjoy the sight of you reading as I work,” he gestures towards the open door to emphasise his words.
“Is your mind capable of thinking about anything besides sex?”
“When it comes to you? Absolutely fucking not. I intend to fuck you in every corner of this house, starting with this one.” Just as he starts to kiss my neck, the sound of the buzzing at the main door interrupts us. He lets out a loud growl that makes me laugh.
“Too bad for you, big guy. Let’s go before my brother breaks down the door.”
Chapter 28
“Why did you take so long answering the door?” Em and Bai stand behind Scott as he grumpily asks.
“Well, aren’t you a little ball of sunshine today?” I say mockingly.
When I look at Emilie, I notice a deep furrow between her eyebrows. Okay, I guess the ride here didn’t go well.
As Bailey pushes past them, I scoop her up into my arms, taking in the familiar and comforting scent of her. Last night, she insisted on returning to her flat, leaving me with no choice but to let her go since I couldn’t leave Aidan alone, which she understood. After she tended to Aidan’s gunshot, we spent hours curled up on the sofa, her small body pressed against mine, listening to the sound of each other’s heartbeat. I watched as she struggled to keep her composure, and I fear for the flood of emotions that will come later.
Em made sure to stay with her, and I cannot think of anyone else who would have been more capable of supporting her last night, given that Em had been through something similar.
Although she refused to speak, Jonas confirmed that there was no sexual assault involved.
Knowing she doesn’t want to talk about it, I play with her hair and kiss her cheek, hoping to provide comfort in some small way.
“Hope you’re hungry, sis. I made all your favourites,” I say with a wink, but before I can even make a move towards the living room, she grabs my arm.
“What is that?” She lifts my hands and gasps at the sight of the big emerald decorating my ring finger. I can feel my cheeks turning red as a warm sensation spreads across them. I don’t know why. It’s not as if no one saw it coming. Excitement dances in her eyes as she jumps up and down.
Scott comes up beside me and takes my hand, carefully examining the ring. As he looks past me, his eyes land on Aidan. He walks towards him, clapping him on the shoulder. “About damn time, brother.”
I stand there, staring at them with absolute astonishment. “Your sister is standing right here, arsehole,” I say, my voice dripping with sarcasm. “A simple hello and congratulations from you would have been nice.” My lips twist into a pout like a child.
“Sorry, sis. But it was long overdue. I’m glad this arsehole pulled his finger out of his arse and proposed.”
My laughter rumbles out as I retort, “Proposing implies there was a choice, but he didn’t even give me a chance to say anything before the ring was already on my finger.” Aidan smirks at me, proud of himself while Scott chuckles.
“I wouldn’t expect anything less from him.”
“Seriously, you two are just unbelievable sometimes,” Em exclaims indignantly. “Oh. My. God. This is gorgeous.” Her gaze meets Aidan’s, and she can’t help but tease him, “You’re not so bad when you try, arsehole.”