I could just be the guy that keeps an eye on her and makes sure she gets home safely.

But life is way too short to dance around what we really want.

And what I really want is to take her back to my dorm and show her what it’s like to be fucked the right way… all night long…



The tie presses against my throat.

I hate wearing this damn thing.

Coach Damon paces behind his desk. His tie is loose. He runs his hand through his hair. He pauses at his desk.

“Don’t say a word,” he says to me as he opens the top drawer and takes out a flask.

He helps himself to a swig.

“Liquid courage,” he says. “Have some. You’ll need it.”

“I’m fine,” I say.

“Jax. You do realize this is the meeting you don’t want to have. Right?”

I shrug my shoulders. “What’s the worst, Coach? They boot me? Really? They’re going to take a star hockey player and just boot him off the team and out of the university? For what?”

“Academics, Jax. You’re failing.”

“Define that.”

“That is the description!” Coach Damon yells. “You’re failing all your classes! This isn’t about the team anymore, Jax. This is about you. About your future. You should give a damn!”

He places his hands on his desk and looks down.

The guy is sweating. He looks ready to pass out.

Me? I feel like yawning and going back to bed at this point.

“Coach,” I say. “You’re really sticking your neck out for me here. I appreciate that. I don’t take this lightly.”

He lifts his head and looks at me. “You have a weird way of showing it.”

“I have to keep calm. If I get worked up, I’ll fuck this up.”

I swallow hard, really hard on purpose, just for good measure.

Coach Damon pushes from his desk. He adjusts his tie and puts on a stern face.

“Let me talk, Jax. Let me defend you. Let me help you.”

He walks to his office door and opens it.

It’s time to face the music here.

To be fair, I haven’t done shit around campus other than play hockey.

I know. I get it. I’m supposed to show up to class. I’m supposed to care.