With such ease. With such force.

Blood sprays into the air as the guy’s head snaps back and almost detaches from his body.

He falls back, yelping in pain.

A few people scream but nobody seems to care that much.

It’s not like this is a real fight.

The frat guy smashes into a wall and stares forward at Jax and I.

The look of shock on his face…

He’s frozen in place, unsure what just happened.

Blood is running freely from his nose down over his top lip, hitting his mouth, bottom lip, then running down his chin to his shirt.

“Watch where the fuck you’re going next time,” Jax barks.

The frat guy comes right back to life, jumps to his right and takes off running.

Chills move through my body as Jax looks down at me.

“Couldn’t have said that without hitting him?” I ask.

“He wouldn’t have gotten the point, honey. You could have been hurt just now. Fuck that guy.”

The intense macho violence thing is not my cup of tea.

At least not usually.

I should not be thinking this right now…

But… Jax… makes the macho violent thing look really sexy.



I walk down the hallway. I can already feel my lip curling with annoyance.

It’s nothing against Willow. At all.

This whole tutoring thing…?

I arrive at her door and knock.

I wait.

She never answers the door right away. That pisses me off.

She knows I’m supposed to be coming over and she’s never ready for me.

That pisses me off too.

I have to knock a second time.

Then the door finally opens.