“But a sexy nerd,” Villi says.

“That’s weird,” Violet says.

Ruby does her little standoffish game with Gabriel.

From the corner of my eye I see more of their little group.

My tutor - Willow.

And Mila.

I turn and stare them both down.

I move closer to them.

“Well?” I ask.

“Well, what?” Willow asks.

“How about that game, huh?”

“Too bad you can’t study and pass exams the same way you play hockey,” Willow says.

“Ouch,” I say. “That one kind of hurt.”

“Are you going to waste time around here or get to studying?”

“See how mean she is to me?” I ask Mila.

Mila reaches for her phone and hurries away.

I watch her walk away. The swaying motion of her ass in her jeans. The way she’s moving so fast.

Fingers snap in my face and I curl my lip and look down at Willow.

“Seriously?” she asks.

“What? Does me looking at other girls make you jealous?”

“Wow. Way off base there, Jax.”

“Base? Wrong sport, Willow.”

“Fine. The ice is melting.”


Willow’s cheeks turn red. “Nothing. Never mind. Forget I said that.” She points at me. “Don’t mess around, Jax.”

“Mess around?”

“I’m not blind. I just saw what you did. You looked at Mila’s butt.”


Willow scowls, then she punches at my chest with her left hand. “She’s taken! She’s with my brother! Don’t you dare start anything.”

Now this is a great chance for me to play dumb. Cool the situation. Say something silly.