Page 213 of Body Checked & Pucked

I’m going to blink my eyes, click my heels, wiggle my fingers, and this will all go away.

“Mila, tell him what’s going on,” Ward calls out. “You don’t need this kind of violence in your life!”

Jax’s eyes grow wide again and he turns.

I know if he goes after Ward again, he’s going to hurt him for real.

This is insane! Ward left rehab to come back to tell me he loves me and he wants to be together…

I grab Jax’s arm with both hands and I plant my feet on the floor.

I know there’s no real stopping him but I hope I can get his attention.

“Jax, please,” I cry out. “Let’s go talk outside.”

He looks back at me.

Oh, the anger and fire in his eyes… a mix of hurt too…

This gigantic hockey player is ready to crumble.

“Please,” I whisper. “Jax… please…”

“Jax, I’m sorry, man, but if you hit me, I’m going to press charges,” Ward warns. “I can’t allow this to continue. I can’t allow you to show up like this and act like this.”

Jax looks at Ward again.

Now I jump on Jax’s back.

I point at Ward. “You need to shut the fuck up, Ward! You’re making this entire thing worse!”

Jax turns and lumbers toward the door. With me on his back.

Ward is still on his butt on the floor.

The entire scene probably looks funny but it’s far from that at all.

There are three hearts at stake here.

I just need to get Jax out of my dorm so we can talk.

As soon as he steps out of the room, I feel a small bit of relief.

I pull the door shut and I grab for his right hand.

I interlock my fingers with his. “Jax… please…”

“What?” Jax growls. “I just want to know if it’s all true or not.”

“Don’t listen to him. He’s in recovery. Barely in recovery. He’s having a good day and he left rehab.”

“To come see you. To come back to you. Tell me if that’s true or not, Mila. Enough bullshit.”

His voice starts to boom.

I thrust my right index finger up into his face, touching his nose.

“Don’t you dare question me,” I snap. “I’ll do and say whatever the hell I have to! You got that, Jax? You want to act like this? Fine. Go for it. And, yeah, I said whatever I had to say to Ward to get him to listen to me.”