Page 202 of Body Checked & Pucked

His fingers move from aggressive to sweet… soft… almost… gentle…

Fingertips ease out of my body and up against my clit.

One last goodbye flick and Jax’s hand grabs my hip and holds tight.

He kisses up to my right ear and lets out a sigh.

“Good morning, honey,” he whispers.

I let out a whimper.

I don’t even have words to attempt to form a sentence.



I’m dreaming.

Mila and I are walking together.

She’s got an ice cream cone in her right hand. With her left hand, she’s holding my right hand.

Why are these details important for a dream right now?

It’s nice outside. Again… why does that matter?

Mila makes a move, jumping forward and turning to face me.

She lets go of my hand and is blocking my path.

Holding her ice cream cone up near her mouth.

Her eyes are… wow, they are so beautiful. And her smile. Her nose.

Her nose?

I’m dreaming about Mila’s nose?

What the hell is happening here…

Mila sticks her tongue out and licks the ice cream.

Thick vanilla… sticks to her tongue.

She smiles. She savors.

She goes for more.

This time when she licks the ice cream… I can feel it.

I can feel it in my pants…?

I glance down and can’t believe the feeling.

My cock feels warm, wet… it’s like someone is…

I look at Mila again. I swallow hard.