Page 198 of Body Checked & Pucked


I lean closer. “Pretend you’re talking to me.”

“You’re talking to me,” she says.

“Yes. Just keep talking back.”

“I’m so confused right now.”

“Sorry. I got stuck between Violet and Vera. And Abby.”

“Seems like a good place to get stuck, no?” Willow asks with a smile.

“It got weird. Fast.”

“Not into weird stuff?”

“Sisters calling each other whores? Not really my thing. Also, two of the three are banging hockey teammates of mine.”

“Banging. Such a romantic way to say it.”

“Should I say making sweet love?”

Willow laughs. “You’re right.”

“Always am,” I say.

I need another drink.

I have no choice but to get Abby’s attention.

Lucky for me when she walks over, Willow orders a drink first.

I tell Abby to put that one on my tab.

Willow puts her hand to mine and gives Abby a little bit of an evil glare.

When Abby walks away, Willow gets closer to me. “There. We’re even.”


“You bought me a drink and I just chased Abby away with the he’s mine look,” Willow says.

“I’m not so sure that look works with someone like Abby though.”

Willow shrugs her shoulders. “I tried.”

She gets a text and sets her sights on her phone.

By the way - hey. I’m Knox.

I’m a goalie.

I’m the goalie for the Puckford Pirates.

You probably know that by now.

But here I am sitting at this bar next to Willow.