Page 171 of Body Checked & Pucked

He looks possessed. Evil and mean.


“I dare you to try that again, you cunt,” he growls.

Panic hits my body again.

I can’t waste any more time here.

I inch back and swing my left foot, hitting him in the face.

He lets out a yell I never heard come from him before.

“Now I just might have to kill you first,” Ward says.

That’s when I finally reach for my phone…



So what did Jax do after Mila bolted out of her own dorm?

Here’s what I did…

I went into her bedroom and dug through her panty drawer. Same for her bras too.

Then I went through her nightstand drawer, trying to find some sex toys.

Do you believe me?

Good. Don’t.

Because here’s what really happened to me…

The door shut and Mila was gone.

I stood there in a towel.

I had no idea what kind of emergency she was dealing with… the words life and death stuck in my head.

The first thing I did?

Get dressed.

Then I sat on the couch where we just had amazing sex and I waited.

Rubbing my jaw.

Worried about her.

Wondering just what was happening between Mila and me.

Knowing we were close… really close… so very close that…

Now I’m walking around her dorm. Present moment. Because sitting doesn’t work for me. Waiting doesn’t work either but there’s nothing else I can do.

I have no idea where she is.