Page 215 of Body Checked & Pucked

There’s no regret there.

Anything that feels like regret is coming right from me.

I’m owning this.

That’s all I can do.

I probably shouldn’t have snapped at Mila.

Then again… were she and Ward even really broken up?

That thought bothers me like crazy.

I can’t believe that to be true.

Mila is not that kind of girl…

Even if she is… what does it matter now?

I’m the one who has to face the truth here. The actual reality of what’s going on.

Something I didn’t see coming.

Like driving with a blindfold on and then feeling surprised when you crash.

That’s me.

It’s clear as day. Right in front of me.

So clear that I stop walking to think about it.

All these feelings, now rotten… it proves one thing to me.

I’m fucking in love with Mila.



The door is definitely locked.

I slam my fist to the door.

“Ward!” I yell. “Open my door! Right now!”

I press my ear against the door. I don’t hear anything.

My heart slams inside my chest.

I have no idea what Ward heard me saying to Jax… but I can guess.

He heard everything.

Way to go, Mila.

In the span of about two minutes you fucked up the lives of two different guys.

“Ward!” I yell as I pound my fists against the door.