The silence between us is broken up by someone yelling, “They’re playing chicken with no water!”

A small group of people suddenly push through the party to get outside.

Someone hits my back and I stutter step forward, right into Jax.

His right hand touches my back - almost instinctively.

“Whoa,” he says. “You okay?”

“Stupid college parties,” I whisper.

“No offense, honey, but I think your guy is the one involved…”

Jax nods his head.

I look to my right and through the large window out back I see what’s happening.

Ward is on someone’s shoulders.

He has his shirt off, waving it around above his head.

This kind of stuff was honestly the reason why and how Ward and I ended up together.

I just thought it would be different by now.

Or - not just such a constant thing.

Believe me, I don’t walk around with a stick up my butt. I know how to cut loose and have fun. Once in a while.

I wander outside, as much as I don’t want to.

Now I’m left with a choice - to be that insane looking girlfriend screaming for my boyfriend to get down. Or just shut up and stand there.

“Get him!” Ward cries out.

A few feet away, there is someone on someone else’s shoulders.

They’re going to play chicken. Drunk.

Running at each other.

Ward versus some other guy who I don’t know.

I can’t tell whose shoulders Ward is on, but whoever it is… they are drunker than Ward.

Everyone is cheering and laughing.

The cheers are sarcastic. The laughs are real.

Ward and the other person get tangled up and it takes all of a second before Ward falls to the ground. Not in a nice fashion either. He goes slightly up into the air, rolling back, and all I can picture is him snapping his neck.

Somehow he turns and lands on his left shoulder.

He lets out a scream.

There’s more laughter. More cheering for the winner.

I have to play the good girlfriend part and walk over to check on him.