Page 178 of Body Checked & Pucked

I step into the bedroom and walk up to Ward and kick him.

He groans and picks his head up.

“What the fuck?” Ward growls.

“So you’re alive,” I say.

My voice gets his attention.

He presses his hands to the floor and pushes himself up.

He looks at me.

Dried vomit all over his face and clothes.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” he asks.

I turn and walk out of the bedroom.

Mila looks nervous.

“He’s alive,” I say. “He’s mad that I’m here.”

Mila sighs.

I touch her arms. “Hey. It’s time…”

“Time for what?”

“It’s time to call Willow and tell her to come get her brother some actual help.”



I’m awake, coffee in hand, dead set on doing some yoga so I can exclaim to the world that I’m able to take care of myself.

I am a healthy person! Look at me!

Of course, I’m not going to admit to how much sugar I’ve put in my coffee.

Or cream.

Just… let me do my yoga and go from there.

Plus, I need that wonderful mix of caffeine and relaxation right now. It’s been more than a minute since I last tutored Jax and I need to track his ass down and get him to hit the books again so this doesn’t reflect poorly on me.

Not to mention if he actually ends up getting booted off the hockey team, everyone will blame me.

Lots of pressure dealing with a hockey player like that.

I’m just glad we didn’t end up complicating things by hooking up.

We were close though. Really freaking close.

I’m not sure I ever had that happen before with a guy…

Getting that close. Being that turned on. And then suddenly feeling like… eh, this isn’t going to work.