Page 151 of Body Checked & Pucked

I skate toward the bench.

I find a towel and wipe my bottom lip.

There’s blood. Not a lot though.

Miles keeps looking at me.

Fucking freshman needs his balls to drop a little more and not give a damn about me. Of course he thinks I’m going to find him after practice and beat him up. Believe me, I’m thinking about it. But for the respect of the game and for Coach Damon, I will leave what happens on the ice… right there on the ice. If it toughens Miles up a little, then it’s worth it.

Practice ends and the locker room fills up, then empties out.

I’m sitting there, almost alone.

“I’m surprised you didn’t break that kid’s jaw,” Villi says to me.

“Lessons,” I say.

“Oh, right. You’re a professor now, huh?”

“This team is in for a slump when we leave,” I say.

“Not our problem,” Villi says with a smile.

He grabs his bag and leaves the locker room.

He’s freshly showered. Probably on his way to meet up with Vera.

Mac walks by, shirtless, a towel around his neck.

“How are you doing, man?” I ask him.

“Sick of everyone looking at me like my father just died,” he says and keeps walking by.

That’s a fair enough statement to make.

Gabriel and Knox appear out of nowhere.

They each grab a chair, pull it up, and sit down in front of me.

Oh, shit.

Gabriel has a grin on his face.

Knox shakes his head.

“What now?” I ask.

“Don’t act like that,” Gabriel says.

“You know, I had my money on the tutor,” Knox says. “Willow.”

“Money?” I ask. “For what…?”

“Uh-huh,” Gabriel says. He stands up. “Come on, Knox. Let’s get out of here. He doesn’t want to talk about it.”

“Talk about what?” I ask.

Knox smiles at me. “You and Willow though? Nothing? Ever?”