Page 149 of Body Checked & Pucked

I climb into bed. I’m not convinced my night is completely over though.

It could be.

There’s just one more text to send…

I want to bask in this orgasmic enjoyment.

My night? Dumped Ward. Fucked Jax. Now I’m back in my dorm.

I toss my phone next to me.

It takes all of a second before it starts buzzing.

Both Violet and Ruby are texting me.

I know it’s only a matter of time before they show up and demand to hear the story.

And… honestly…

I can’t wait to tell them the entire story - in detail.



I sit on the bench and watch the second line practice.

I chew on my mouthguard like it’s a fat piece of bubble gum.

My obsession with hockey is on full display, sure, but in my head, there’s a battle going on.

I see the hockey play. I see the good, the mistakes, and I feel Coach Damon’s annoyance when dumb things happen.

As much I want to get mad… I just keep picturing Mila.

Funny enough I keep seeing her with those scissors, ready to attack. Cutting up Holly’s shirt. Threatening to cut Holly’s hair. All so she could get to me.

And when she did get to me…

Mila dropping down to her knees, demanding my cock in her mouth.

The way she just-

“Jax! Wake the fuck up!”

I blink. “What?”

“Get out here,” Villi roars.

“Fuck,” I mutter.

I get my mouthpiece straight and jump off the bench onto the ice.

Coach Damon has the first line against the second line.

“Play it right!” Coach Damon calls out, pointing at me.

So that’s what we do.