Page 54 of Hooking a Hottie

My phone told me what time it was every time I touched it.

So did the clock on the wall.

So did the TV in the corner of the gym, playing the news.

A little after seven, my body called it quits on the weights, so I eyed up the treadmill.

That’s when Sage sent me a good morning text.

Please tell me you’re not going to attempt to eat some crappy hotel breakfast. Good morning, by the way.

I took a deep breath.

What’s wrong with a crappy hotel breakfast? I travel quite a bit. I’ve gotten used to the taste of rubbery scrambled eggs…

Sage replied with a vomiting emoji.

I smiled.

A droplet of sweat dropped down onto the screen of my phone.

I wiped it away.

All I’m saying is that I cannot stand the idea of you eating a bad breakfast or eating alone.

I smiled again.

So what are you trying to tell me, Sage?

Yes, I wanted her to say it. Or rather - type it.

You never could take a hint… grab your stuff and stop over here to have a real breakfast before today gets going.

Before today gets going.

That told me she wanted me there… and she needed me there.

The day of her grandfather’s funeral.

The man who shaped my life.

The man who took care of her.

The man who inspired her son.

Yeah, today was going to be a tough one.

Sage did not want to be alone.

I had to toss away what I saw on her phone last night.

Just like I used to have to do when we were younger.

No matter how big or strong I was or how much money I made…

When it came to Sage?

I would do anything for her.