Page 194 of Hooking a Hottie

She stood with a blanket around her… her upper back and shoulders showing. Her hair messy. Looking back at me with lusty eyes. And a nervous look on her face.

“What?” I asked.

“It’s fucking Tad. He’s at my door. He’s been driving me crazy again.”

I curled my lip. “Sage…”

“No,” she said.

I sat up and I cracked my knuckles. “Yes, honey…”

It was time to act like I did as a teenager when it came to other guys messing around with my Sage.

Sage answered the door.

We were both fully dressed.

I stood behind her, towering over her.

She leaned back against me and folded her arms.

This Tad guy looked surprised to see me.

“What do you want?” I asked.

“Oh… uh… hello there…”

“She wants you to leave her alone,” I said.

“I think this is a conversation between Sage and I,” Tad said.

I touched Sage at her hips, picked her up and moved her to the side.

I stepped out onto the porch and Tad stepped back.

A second later, he put up his fists.

“You want to fight me?” I asked.

“I’ll fight for her honor,” Tad said.

With one swift move, I had my right hand around his throat.

He grabbed my arm as his legs gave out.

“Please, no, don’t kill me!” Tad cried out.

“I’m not going to,” I said. “Not unless you don’t leave Sage alone. Do you understand me?”

“Yes,” Tad said. “I swear.”

“You never text her again. You never call her. You never imply things like marriage or calling her my love… you fucking got that?”

“Yes!” Tad yelled. “Oh, please, yes! Anything!”

I released my hold on Tad.

He turned and crawled on all fours toward the steps.