Page 189 of Hooking a Hottie

“I feel like I somehow took my grandfather’s death and twisted it up into my own messy life and made everything worse,” I said. “Is that my gift? Making things worse?”

“Stop acting like that,” Alex said. “Listen to me. It’s not easy raising a kid on your own. And if that asshole wants nothing to do with his son, then screw him. It’s his loss. His fault. It’s nothing you did. I’m living it too. But…”

“But?” I asked.

“Did you even talk to Henry? Give him a chance to reply?”

“It’s not his responsibility. I’m not going to mess up his life next.”

“That might be the dumbest thing you’ve ever said to me. No offense.”

“Thanks, Alex.”

“Hey, I’m not going to sit here and rub your back and tell you lies. You love this guy. You had a chance to figure things out. What did he do? The second you called him. Huh? He showed up for the funeral. Didn’t he?”

“Alex… please…”

“Then what? He told you to call him, right? As soon as you did, what did he do then? He rented some beach mansion to make sure you and Travis would be happy.”

“And what can I give him in return?” I called out.

I stood up and knocked my chair over.

I walked up to the pocket doors that led to my grandfather’s room.

I took a breath and opened the doors.

“I have nothing for him,” I said. “And now everything is broken even worse. A mess even worse than before.”

As I looked around my grandfather’s room, my eyes filled with tears.

I still couldn’t do it.

I shut the doors and turned.

Alex stood right there, hands out.

“Don’t go freaking out now,” she said. “I’m not saying you did anything wrong. I would have done the same thing. I mean it. That’s a heavy burden to take on. I’m sure it’s been on your mind over who Travis’s father is, right?”

Confessing, I nodded.

“So now you know. I’m sorry it’s not what you wanted. You do know that’s just how things go sometimes. I mean, look around, right?”

“Just one thing,” I whispered. I held up one finger. “Just one thing, Alex. Is that so much to ask?”

“Of course not. But you do have one thing. You have more than one thing. You have an amazing son. You have a house. A good job. You’ve got a lot.”

“I want Henry,” I whispered in a growl.

“Then go get him,” Alex said. “What’s he going to do? Suddenly turn into a prick and never talk to you again?”

I feared that result.

I feared any result to be honest…

My phone vibrated against the table.

I looked and saw Henry’s name.