Page 179 of Hooking a Hottie

Travis was now giggling, his cheeks turning red.

I looked at Sage, ready to apologize.

“You sure you want to do this, Travis?”

“Mom, I’m ready,” Travis said. “Pops always wanted me to play hockey, right? I’ll do this for him.”

I felt like someone punched me in the heart.

Sage looked ready to cry.

Oh, damn, kid… well played…

I got Travis back to the locker room where I had to find skates that fit him.

Lucky for him we had all sizes due to promotional skates that the organization ran for the fans.

I helped him lace up his skates for the first time.

Crouched down in front of him, I wondered if Leon was floating around in space, watching all this unfold. All I wanted to do was pass down everything Leon taught me. Pay it forward. Let the knowledge and lessons live on.

And, yeah, I was in love with Leon’s granddaughter and wanted to spend the rest of my life taking care of her and her son.

“Okay, kid, stand up,” I said.

Travis stood up. His knees wobbled a few times.

“I’ve got it,” he said.

I couldn’t believe my eyes when he started to walk. With ease. Like a pro.

I grabbed a stick his size and handed it to him.

We walked from the locker room to the ice, side by side.

Seb slid a puck Travis’s way. “Let’s see it. The hot shot kid, huh?”

“Don’t let them get to you,” I said to Travis. “They’re just being goofy. They’re the greatest guys I’ve ever known. Like brothers to me. And if anyone bothers you, I’ll kick their ass.”

Travis gasped and looked up at me.

“Don’t tell your mother I said that,” I winked.

Travis stepped out onto the ice and went right down to his butt.

I held a hand out toward Sage, making sure she didn’t launch herself over the boards to come rescue her son.

“Shoot,” Travis said.

“It’s fine, kid. Everyone falls.”

I helped him back to his feet.

He placed his stick on the ice and went for the puck.

He lost his balance a second time, only he didn’t fall.

“Come on,” Atlas called out. “Are we playing or are we figure skating?”