Page 159 of Hooking a Hottie

“This is so cool,” Travis said.

“Get it going, kid,” Henry said.

Travis went to work, hooking up his video games.

Henry looked at me and winked.

I smiled.

Again, this felt so good. So real. So… normal.

“Here we go,” Travis said. “Power is on. TV is on. Are we on the right HDMI?”

“Yup,” Henry said.

The screen turned bright blue. A second later, it switched to a logo that made Travis cheer.

“What’s the game of choice?” Henry asked.

“All I play is football.”

“Football. For real, kid?”

“It’s all I do!” Travis called out. “I’m really good at it. You should see me out there. I’m really fast. I’m a wide receiver.”

“Football,” Henry said. “I respect it. Fun sport.”

“It’s the best.”

“Whoa,” Henry said. “Fair question, kid. Have you ever played hockey?”

“No,” Travis said. “I mean… Pops talked about it a lot… but he was too old to play…”


My heart sank.

“He was a great guy, Travis,” Henry said. “He taught me everything I know about hockey. He’s the reason I’m a pro hockey player.”

Travis nodded. “He was cool.”

“Okay, so I’ll make you a deal. We play hockey first. Then football.”

“I don’t have any hockey games, Henry.”

“Then we’re going to hook this thing up to the internet and download a game.”

“That costs a lot of money,” Travis whispered.

Henry leaned down. “I’m rich, kid. My treat.”

I watched the way Travis marveled at everything Henry did.

They each grabbed a controller and stepped back at the same time. They sat down on the edge of the bed, waiting for the hockey game to finish downloading.

The two of them sitting side by side.

Sage… don’t…