Page 140 of Hooking a Hottie

I heard the rumble of a motor.

Not a car motor. Or a truck.

“Mom!” Travis called out. “Someone is here!”


I stood back up straight and tall and walked to the front of my car with a big smile on my face, ready to apologize and ask for forgiveness for being in the driveway of a complete stranger. Then I would pass the embarrassment to Henry for giving me the wrong address.

The source of the noise was a quad down near the beach.

Travis waved.

Why the hell are you waving?

The quad turned and began to race toward Travis and me.

“Hey,” Travis said, looking back at me. “It’s Henry! This is his house! We get to stay here!”

I swallowed way too hard and out of nowhere began to wonder if I looked good enough.

How’s my hair? How do my clothes look? Does my butt look nice in these jeans? Oh, crap, what bra am I wearing? Did I at least put on a bra that’s a little bit nice? Something with some push and hold? Oh, my panties. Fuck. Are they the good ones for dates or the relaxing ones?

So many questions.

My eyes stared forward and I watched as Henry stood up as he navigated the quad.

His t-shirt blowing against his body, showing off the amazing shapes of his muscles that made my body tingle.

The smile on his face…

He turned the quad, quickly killed the engine and jumped off.

“You made it!”

“I didn’t think this was your place at first,” I said.

“Why not?” Henry asked.

I opened my mouth and didn’t know what to say.

“Hockey players get paid,” Henry said. He looked at Travis and winked. “What do you think of the quad?”

“So cool,” Travis said.

“Yeah? Guess what? I’ve got two more out back.”

“No way,” Travis said.

“Yup. One for your mom. One for you.”

“Let’s go!” Travis bellowed as he clapped his hands together.

“Hold up a second here,” I said. “Get our bags, Travis. Let’s go inside for a second or two, okay?”

“Fine,” Travis said. He turned and walked back to the car, kicking sand and rocks, pouting.

“No attitude, mister,” I said.