Page 132 of Hooking a Hottie

I could not take his pain away or change his feelings at all.

“You’ve never gotten into a fight before,” I said.

“We didn’t even hurt each other. Look. No marks on my face.”

Travis turned his head side to side.

“That’s not the point, Travis,” I said. “Fighting is so stupid. One wrong punch or someone bumps their head…”

“I know that, Mom. I just… I lost it. Mark has been picking at me for weeks now. About my hair.”

“Your hair? What’s wrong with your hair?”

“I don’t know. It’s too messy? He claims I’m poor. He’s a jerk, Mom. Today he said something about me being sad because my great-grandfather died. He said something really mean…”


“I can’t say. He used a curse word.”

“Like you’ve never said a bad word before?”

“You really want to know?”

I nodded.

“He told everyone I was sad because my great-grandfather was getting his ass eaten by worms…”

I felt my lip curl.

Now I wanted to find Mark’s mother and pick a fight with her.

“I lost it,” Travis said. “I told Mark I was going to make him eat worms. Then he said make me and he started cackling and pointing at me. Then he started to fake cry… and I just ran after him.”

“He tried to get away?” I asked.

“Some tough guy, right? He couldn’t even fight me!”

I put the car into drive and drove again.

I remained silent, debating how to handle this situation.

In a way, yes, my son was merely defending himself. This little Mark jerk had no right or business talking about our family and the death of my grandfather.

Worms eating his ass?


Who says that kind of stuff?

Punk bully kids… that was who said stuff like that…

My son had the right to defend himself.

But this was made out to be an attack.

Apparently this Mark kid turned to run away and Travis grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled hard. Mark’s shirt tore and the front of his shirt pulled hard enough against Mark’s throat to leave a small, red line. On top of that, Mark then fell to the lunchroom floor, hit his elbow and claimed he was having a hard time flexing it straight. Travis then made a fist and was ready to punch Mark when a teacher pulled Travis away and stopped the attack.

The attack.