Page 129 of Hooking a Hottie

There had to be dirt or dust somewhere in the house.

I reminded myself that I used cleaning as yesterday’s excuse.


My phone buzzed again.

This time it was Tad.

“No,” I groaned.

Just checking up on my girl… my love. Can I get you anything?

“Yeah, Tad, you can. Delete my number!”

I shook my phone.

A warning popped up.

Tad wasn’t done texting. He was far from a one text kind of guy.

Was hoping to take you out for dinner soon. Get you out of that house. You need it. You deserve it. You can’t hide forever, right?

“Oh, that doesn’t sound creepy at all, Tad.”

He wasn’t done yet.

I have a few places in mind. Out of this town too. I’m thinking we go on a long drive, talk, have dinner… stop at a little bed and breakfast and… you know…

I cringed.

If this was his version of sexting then he needed to have his phone plan cancelled and be forced to use a landline for the rest of his life.

Then again, did I really want Tad sexting me?

My stomach flipped.

I decided to just ignore him.

I had no desire to deal with him.

I took a shower instead.

A long, hot shower in the silence of my own house.

Right in the middle of the day too.

For the first time since my grandfather died, I actually felt a tiny bit better. Like I had grabbed the tiniest slice of heaven and enjoyed it all to myself.

I promised myself I would build off that.

An afternoon shower with nobody to bother me.

That’s the first step.

I was in the middle of drying my hair when the doorbell rang through my phone.

I opened the app to see who in the heck would be at my door this time of day.