Page 108 of Hooking a Hottie

But when I did I froze in place, my body twisted.

My laugh instantly stopped too.

Disbelief wasn’t close enough to what I felt.

I saw someone staring right back at me from across the bar.

Like a sexy shadow stepping out of my haunted past…

I hadn’t seen him in years.

Not since he and my grandfather had a falling out and he took off for college.

But now he was randomly right here. Right in front of me.

My mouth slowly moved, forming his name, speaking it in silence.


Chapter Twenty-One


Way… Way… Back…

I wasn’t looking for her. In fact, I never thought I’d see her again. Things ended up exploding so badly with Leon when I made the decision to leave town… let’s just say it was very bad. Things were said. Feelings crushed. I wasn’t sure I’d ever talk to Leon again. And so far, I hadn’t.

As soon as I heard the laugh from across the bar, my heart didn’t just sink.

It dropped, raced, jumped, and twisted.

I felt like someone crosschecked me so hard into the boards I was seeing triple and that I had either died or gotten a severe concussion.

Because there was no way in hell that I would end up at the same bar as…


It took her a second to turn around and look at me.

When she did, her laughter ceased.

She stared with the same shock that I felt.

I clearly saw the man sitting next to her. I also clearly read the body language of both. They were not together. They weren’t even on a date. They obviously just met tonight. Just a little while ago. He wanted to fuck Sage. I mean, who doesn’t, right? Sage probably wanted the same thing too.

But if anyone thought I was going to just stand there and stare at the only woman I ever loved and not make a move…

… you must be fucking drunk.

The closer I got to Sage, the wider her eyes grew.

She probably had the same thought as me, thinking she bumped her head and that I could not really be there.

The seat to her right was empty.

She hadn’t turned around to look at the guy who wanted to fuck her.

I nudged the barstool out of my way and turned sideways and leaned against the bar.