Page 63 of Hooking a Hottie

I drove to the cemetery.

Sage next to me. Her son in the backseat.

The three of us in silence.

The entire time all I wanted to do was reach over and take Sage’s hand.

I parked the SUV in the cemetery on the gravel path and Sage being used to being on her own, didn’t give me the chance to get the door for her.

Her first priority was Travis.

Which it should have been.

Travis clung to his mother, obviously uneasy about the setting.

I respected that. I wasn’t a fan of cemeteries myself for a variety of reasons.

The finality of death all around.

All eyes were on Sage and Travis.

As far as Sage went, maybe it wasn’t the right time or place, but fuck it - she looked stunning in her black funeral dress. She was classy, womanly, and had a natural beauty and figure to herself that left me reminding myself how to properly breathe.

She and her son made their way forward, through a row of gravestones toward the setup for Leon.

A large green canopy stood over the black casket.

I couldn’t believe this was it.

That he was actually in there.

The man who shaped my life.

Collections of flowers all around.

A row of folding chairs on one side of the casket.

For some reason I kept my distance.

My eyes moved from Leon’s casket back to Sage.

I saw the way Travis had turned inward toward her.

Trying to shield his face, not wanting to show the world he felt pain in his young heart.

Damn if that didn’t sting my own heart.

I finally forced myself to move.

I wasn’t sure if I should have really been there or not - all things considered with what happened with Leon and myself. At the end of day, this was about respect. Whatever waited after death, if Leon was floating around above the clouds, I hoped he’d at least see me at his funeral and know that while things fell apart with us, I appreciated every second he gave me. Every lesson he taught me, including the hard ones.

I made it only two steps before I felt someone breeze right by me.

A waft of cheap cologne stung my nose.

A man looked back at me and clicked his tongue at me.

Wearing a dark green suit, he jogged toward Leon’s casket.