Page 48 of Hooking a Hottie

The kids waved back.

I drove again and kept going until I arrived at the hotel.

Just outside of town, hovering right next to the highway, it was a cliché hotel.

The look, name, smell, everything.

I had been in a million of these hotels in my career.

I checked in and carried my bag up to my room.

The first thing I did was take out my clothes for the funeral.

It was forbidden to roll up a nice suit, but I just didn’t want to have to deal with having more than one bag for the flight.

The suit looked fine.

I ordered room service, took a shower, and by the time I was done showering there was a grilled chicken Caesar salad waiting for me. Along with two large bottles of fancy artisan water.

I sat on the edge of the bed in silence and started to eat.

My phone rang out with a text.

I couldn’t believe the way I jumped up, almost throwing my salad across the room.

Hoping it was Sage texting.

Visions of me and her texting all night flooding my head.

Sage hadn’t text me.

It was Rome.

Putting me on a thread along with Jago, Joe, Seb, and Atlas.

You good, Henry? We miss you.

I smiled.

I’m fine. Landed. Checked up on Sage. Now I’m at the hotel eating. Going to catch some sleep soon. Tomorrow is the service.

I got thumbs up emojis from all the guys, except Rome.

He was typing a message.

It came through and I shook my head.

Dude - did you bang your old crush yet? GET ON THAT!!!!!

I didn’t bother to respond.

I finished eating my salad.

And I couldn’t help but think about ‘banging my old crush…’

Chapter Ten