Page 37 of Hooking a Hottie

As she touched the right side of her face, her chin quivered again. Her eyes filled with tears and she tried her best to keep them contained. One stray tear made the leap and ran down her cheek.

Sage quickly sucked in a breath and wiped the tear away.

She turned away from the mirror, the sink, and me, and started to walk.

“Not so fast,” I said as I reached and touched her arm.

Sage spun around with a thousand fires burning in her eyes.

“Don’t you ever touch me! You hear me! Don’t you ever fucking grab me like that again!”

She lunged at me and threw a right punch, hitting me in my left shoulder.

She let out a growling scream too.

I jumped back and ended up on the sink.

Holy shit!

The only two words that went through my head.

Sage came at me again.

This time, I grabbed her arms to save her from trying to hurt me or hurting herself. She let out a whimpering, growling noise and then her face planted itself against my chest.

Finally, she began to cry.

Those tears told me more than she ever could.

I knew without a doubt right then and there that Keith did something to her. Something terrible. Something awful. Something that would make me want to risk my entire life to defend Sage.

Ironic enough, this was all part of Leon’s rule. Besides not going near his granddaughter - too late for that now as I’m stroking her hair while she cries - Leon warned me that girls and women have a way of making guys go fucking crazy…

Sage inched herself back and sucked in a breath. “I can’t believe I’m crying in front of you.”

“Why not? If you can’t cry in front of me, then who can you cry in front of?”

Sage smiled for a second. “I just… I just had this urge to run to you, Henry. I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for what?”

“You were working out. Taking care of yourself. You don’t need this in your life. You don’t need me in your life.”

“Yes, I do,” I blurted out.

Sage looked taken back by that.

“I mean… you know I’m here to help. Something happened to you, Sage. I’m not asking for details or anything. But, you know, a little info goes a long way…?”

“I know what you’re thinking. It’s not exactly that.”

“But it’s in the realm of it,” I whispered.

Sage nodded. “He didn’t actually… hit me… okay?”


“Just give me a moment here, Henry. Things were just getting tense. Okay? He’s drunk.”