Page 8 of Raven's Place

Chapter Three


Lottie tops up my glass with white wine. “How come you never come out with the girls?” she asks, sitting next to me. The rest of the ol’ ladies are dancing. We hit two bars before this, much to Chains’ dismay, and now the alcohol is really starting to hit. “I’m not having a go or anything,” she adds quickly.

“It’s nothing personal,” I say with a smile. “I’m usually working. I like to keep busy.”

“You do work a lot.”

“I’m an addict.”

“We’re not so bad, are we?” she asks.

I laugh. “No, not at all. How’s things with you and Storm?” She gives a wistful smile, and I find myself smiling along with her.

“He’s amazing. I know I should find a fault, just one that makes me less smug, but I honestly can’t. I love everything about him. He’s great with the kids, he lets me sleep in sometimes to give me a break, and he’s always checking I’m okay. I can’t complain about anything right now.”

It’s good to hear. They had a rocky start, but I’m pleased things are going great for her. “Lake missed you so much when you went away, I’m sure he’s glad to have his sister back. And I’ve never seen Storm looking so happy. You need to give me some tips so I can find my own Prince Charming.”

“You?” she asks, frowning.

Her reaction isn’t what I was expecting, and I smile awkwardly. “Er, yeah.”

“I just thought you were happy being single and carefree,” she says with a shrug. “I didn’t think you were the type to settle down.”


“You never give off that vibe. Even with the men. They literally see you as one of the guys.”

Leia joins us, out of breath from dancing, and grabs my glass of wine, downing it in one. “What are you gossiping about?”

“Raven was just saying how she wants what I have with Storm.”

“Please,” grins Leia, “we’re all jealous that you have your freedom. Don’t disappoint me and give it up for one of these arseholes.”

“Jealous?” I repeat doubtfully. Why would anyone be jealous of my life?

“Yes!” Leia exclaims. “You get to do what you want, come and go as you please. You have fifty-thousand jobs,” she exaggerates, “and you get to look at Vinn Romano every damn day!” I laugh. I’d never seen it from their point of view. “You get to be with the guys when they’re on club business, while we don’t get to see that side of things,” she adds, and I lower my eyes; she really isn’t missing much. “They respect you in a different way.”

What I’d give to have the respect and love of just one man. I sigh, grabbing the bottle of wine and topping up my glass.

“How’s things going with you and Chains?” asks Lottie, causing Leia to glance where Chains is talking to the new guys.

“Good. Since you taught me to slut drop, he’s seen a different side to me,” she says, but her smile doesn’t reach her eyes, and I frown. Chains hadn’t mentioned things were weird between them. “I still feel rubbish about myself, though. I can’t seem to lift it.”

“Aww, honey,” says Lottie, taking her hand, “Chains loves you. Maybe you need more ‘me’ time? You spend a lot of time with Grace.”

“Maybe,” she mutters, picking at the edge of the table.

“Well, this looks like the saddest table in the damn room,” says Anna, joining us. “Drink up. Some of the guys are at Vinn’s club, so we’re headed there.”

I groan. “I might head home.”

Anna shakes her head, hooking her arm into mine. “Not a chance, sunshine. Your dull light needs a spark, and we haven’t yet found you the man of your dreams.”

Reluctantly, I let her drag me from the bar. I didn’t plan on seeing Vinn until I turn up at the office in the morning. I wouldn’t usually work on a Saturday, but I felt bad after taking today without notice.

Enzo’s was named after Vinn’s late father. It’s a busy nightclub, well known for miles around. There’s never a quiet night, but the weekend is its busiest time, and I’m not surprised when I see the length of the queue outside. We go straight to the front, and the doorman embraces me, kissing the top of my head. Eric’s old enough to be my dad, and there are times I wish he was—he’d do a better job than my own ever did.