Page 77 of Raven's Place

Ace and Brick are outside when I pull up. They greet me with smiles and slaps on the back, completely different to the brothers back in Nottingham. This feels like home. We head inside, and I go to see Riggs in his office. “Are you here to stay?” he asks, pouring me a drink.

I shrug. “If Raven will have me.”

“Brother, she’s hardly been around. She told Chains she’s enjoying time on her own in some apartment near her office.”

“Vinn’s apartment,” I mutter, wondering if she lied to me on the phone last night.

Riggs smirks. “I don’t blame her. I’d love some fucking peace and quiet.”

“I’ll wait until the wedding,” I say. “Surprise her.”

“You’re a braver man than me.”