Page 6 of Raven's Place

The car comes to a stop and Vinn gets out. I wait patiently for him to open the door, even though it pisses me off every time. I’m not one of those jumped-up rich bitches he’s used to. I can open my own damn door, but I don’t because he’ll only cause a fuss.

I get out, but he braces his arms either side of me, stopping my escape. “I know this is hard, Raven, but it’s out of my control.”

“It’s not hard,” I say, faking a smile. “Who said it was hard?”

He runs a finger down my cheek, eyeing my lips like he’s desperate to taste them. I wish to God he would. “Your face says it’s hard.”

“Have a good lunch,” I say briskly.

“Would you like to meet for dinner this evening?”

I smirk. We never have dinner. “No, Vinn. I’m going out with the girls, remember?”

“Maybe tomorrow evening?”

I shake my head. “Why?”

He shrugs. “We never have dinner together.”

“Because we’re just fucking, so why waste time having dinner?” I ask, grinning.

He grips my chin and stares hard at my lips. I know he wants to kiss me—I can sense it. “I have something I want to run by you, Corvo. Something that might make us both happy.”

I’m intrigued, of course, but at the same time, I’m scared that whatever he has to say will only ruin what we have, so I shake my head. “Let’s stick to the rules, Vinn.” I duck under his arm and head for the nearest shop.


“Why don’t you just change your number?” asks Ace with a sigh.

“Cos everyone I know in the entire world has this number. Why should I change it?”

“Because the constant fucking calls and texts are distracting.” He’s right. Ruby still isn’t giving up, and I’ve only been gone a couple of days. “Just fucking talk to her or I will,” he adds.

“She’ll get the message eventually.”

“Something tells me you’re wrong about that.” He lights a cigarette. “How are you finding it here?”

I grin. “Good, brother. It’s the fresh start we both needed.”

“Damn straight,” he says, also grinning. “And the women here are H.O.T.”

“Anyone in particular?” I ask, the redhead immediately jumping to mind, but I shut it down.

“Are we talking club whores or actual ol’ lady potential?”

“Either or?”

“All I’m saying is the whore with the short blonde hair has a mouth like a damn vacuum.”

I glare at him. “Damn, brother, first night and you’re already testing them out?”

He laughs. “Maybe you should give it a go, get that stupid bitch out your head.” I give half a smile. If only it was as easy as that.

“Are you fuckers gonna work or not?” asks Chains, shoving a box into my hands. I take it and place it in the van.

“Sorry, brother. We were just talking about the blonde with the good mouth,” says Ace, and Chains grins.

“She’s new. Brick said the same. Unfortunately, I don’t get to sample the delights these days.”