Page 58 of Raven's Place

Chapter Fifteen


This is what it feels like to be truly happy. As I lie back against Mac, with his arms tightly wrapped around me, enjoying the company of Anna and Riggs, I realise that I finally feel happy. Happy and content. The waitress places a tray of cocktails down for me and Anna to try. She’s interviewing for a position at Anna’s bar and part of the process is to make cocktails. I sit up, and Mac places a hand on my knee. I love that he’s always touching me in some way. It’s been a month since we became official, a month since we first fell into bed together, and a whole month of being so wrapped up in each other that this is the first time we’ve been out of the club on a date.

Riggs sips his whiskey and watches Anna closely as she sips the first cocktail. Her eyes widen and she smiles, offering me a second straw to try. “Why are you always happiest when you’re drinking cocktails?” he asks, grinning.

“That’s not true. I’m happiest when I’m with you. The cocktails are just a bonus . . . and the fact I have no children hanging from me also helps.”

“It must be nice to have the night off,” I say.

“I love the kids. Honestly, I do. But they tire me out, and that’s with all the help of Eva’s mum, Esther, and Frankie. Ziggy and Malia are amazing, they’re so mature for their age, but Willow, she’s on another level. I swear, she’ll send us mental before she’s even hit her teenage years.”

Riggs pulls her in for a kiss, smiling. “She takes after her mama.”

“So, are you guys gonna have any more?” I ask.

“Anna says no, but I’m definitely putting more babies in that belly,” says Riggs.

“Hey, it isn’t my fault you feel you missed out with Willow. I’m not risking having another child like her.”

Riggs leans back in his chair confidently. “We’ll see.”

“What about you guys?” asks Anna, changing the subject.

“A little early for the kid chat,” says Mac, and Anna laughs.

“I mean, what’s happening with you two?”

“We’re good. Taking it slow. I’m teaching Raven not all guys are dickheads.”

I grin, acting surprised. “Oh, really? Is that what you’re trying to teach me?”

“Well, you both look really happy,” she adds.

Riggs picks his drink up. “I’m done with this chick talk. Follow me to the bar, brother.”

I smile, watching them make a quick exit and grabbing a stool at the bar.

“I mean it,” says Anna, pulling my attention back to her. “You look happy.”

“I feel it,” I say, smiling. “I just . . . never mind.”

“No, say it, what’s wrong?”

“It’s like I’m waiting for something to go wrong. I never get the happy ever after and now—”

“Now, you do.”

“I hope so. I really like him.”

“And has he talked about his past much?” she asks. I’d already spoken to her and Eva about his unwillingness to talk about his past and about Ruby. We’ve just come to a place where we don’t talk about any of that.

I shake my head. “Nope, and he’s still denying himself real pleasure,” I say, and her eyes widen.

“Are you kidding me? So, in all this time, he hasn’t come?”

“Shh,” I hiss, glancing back to check he hasn’t heard. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, we have some fun, and I always . . . yah know. But he just won’t let it happen. It can’t be healthy.”