I pound a fist into my chest, trying to force my lungs to start working again. I’m able to inhale, but only slightly. “Three babies,” I wheeze.

“You’re going to have your hands full.”

I laugh, my breath coming along steadier now. “Oh my god, we’re going to be parents. Three at once! It’s like we hit the lottery.”

“Actions have consequences,” Lily says with a knowing look in her eye.

Dr. Tracy moves the sensor over Lily’s belly a few more times, checking everything over again. Satisfied, she puts the sensor down and cleans the gel off Lily’s belly, allowing her to stand up from the couch.

Lily immediately jumps into my arms, nearly knocking me backward. I laugh, holding her up and spinning her around, joy coursing through my body as the reality of our new life together sinks in.

Triplets! I can hardly believe it, but I’ve seen them with my own eyes. What will we even name them? How does one go about carrying for three babies all at the same time?

My head is spinning as I put Lily down, holding her by her shoulders and looking deep into her big brown eyes. I want her to know how much she means to me, how important she is, but I don’t want to say it with Dr. Tracy in the room.

Three words are all it takes, but I have to wait until we’re alone.

I turn to Dr. Tracy, smiling like a fool. “Thank you so much. Thank you for everything.”

She’s already packing up her equipment, getting things together for her next patient. “Oh, it’s nothing. You know I’m always here if you need me. We’ll schedule another appointment in about four to six weeks, but everything looks very good so far. I’ve already given Lily a recommendation for a prenatal vitamin that might help with the morning sickness.”

“Thank you. I really can’t say it enough,” I gush, feeling a high like no other. There’s no feeling similar to finding out you’re going to be a father. To have that tripled by the realization that you’re having three children with the love of your life is beyond comprehension.

Lily’s hand slip into mine, and we both stand in shock at what we’ve created. Dr. Tracy packs her stuff and leaves, but we’re still just standing in the living room, dumbfounded and glowing like a couple of crazy people.

And maybe we are a bit crazy. We found each other at a dire time and turned it into a celebration of life. Every bitter tragedy carries with it the seed of a bright new tomorrow, and our little seed as been watered so much it grew into a paradise.



The first thing I want to do once Dr. Tracy leaves is to jump on Ivan and fuck his brains out. I was told I could continue having sex as long as it was comfortable for me, and I will admit that the relief of finding out the babies are healthy has made me very comfortable.

I’m craving Ivan’s touch the moment we’re alone, and I let him know that by tilting my head down and batting my eyelashes at him until he gets curious and comes over to me.

“What’s up?” he asks, a bemused but interested look on his face.

“What do you think?” I ask, cocking my head to the side.

“I think you’re excited and possibly a bit nervous about having triplets. That’s an incredible blessing, but it’s also a lot to deal with,” he says, using logic when he should be using his emotions.

I tilt my head back and laugh. “Oh, Ivan. Always so logical, but that’s not always the answer. You should know that about me by now.”

“Oh?” he asks, slipping his hand around my waist. “Maybe you’re looking to increase the excitement even more. I don’t know if you can handle it now that you’re pregnant, though.”

I hold up my finger at him. “No, Ivan. Dr. Tracy told me very clearly I could have as much sex as I wanted to, as long as I was comfortable.”

He raises a thick eyebrow, and the bulge in his pants tells me he’s gotten the message. I bet he was scared we wouldn’t be having sex anymore, but it’s the opposite. I’m more horny than ever, and I’m not sure he’s going to be able to keep up.

He’s got stamina, though, so we’ll see.

“So, are you comfortable?” he asks, leaning in and pressing his lips against mine.

I feel a rush of euphoric excitement at his kiss, wanting more than anything to continue it, even as he pulls away. “I’m very comfortable,” I say, pulling him back in for another kiss.

His body finds the grooves in mine, and pretty soon we’re grinding on each other in the middle of the living room.

“Are you sure this is fine?” he asks as his hands move down my waist.