“I don’t know. I mean if a massage can’t relax you, I don’t know what would.”

“The massage is nice. Your hands, they feel good. You… you’re good at this.”

Considering how hard it is for him to complete a sentence, that was impressive.

“Thank you. Why don’t you lean back, and I’ll finish.”

He glances toward the clock. “No, thanks. Why don’t you take off for the night.”

I laugh. “I don’t think you get to tell me that. You’re not my boss here. I have to answer to my professor.”

“I’ll talk to him. You’ve had a long day. You’d just be working me anyway, since I paid for time.”

Considering I wouldn’t mind leaving for the night, I nod and smile knowing there’s no way on Earth this plan of his is going to work.

He stands from the chair, forgetting his shirt as he tucks behind the curtain, leaving me in a puddle of longing as I wait for his return. I should really talk to someone about this. Lusting after crazy men really isn’t safe.

A moment later, the beast comes back in the room with Professor Carlo behind him.

“Don’t expect this every week,” Carlo chides.

You don’t get to be the boss of me any more tonight, sir.

I’m so wet right now. Why, though? Why do I want to be next to the guy who’s walking around giving everyone orders like he owns them? Why did Carlo even listen?

Well… I know why they listen. James is incredibly intimidating. The better question is why does it turn me on? Why is my clit throbbing? Why do my thighs ache? Why do I want him to push me onto that massage chair and fuck me?

It’s this lavender. It’s evoking thoughts of that spicy romance novel. I need to change oils.

I nod and gather my things as the professor leaves the room, but James stays.

“You can take off. I’m just going to clean up here.”

“What is there to do? I’ll help.”

Okay, now I know something is up. This man didn’t drive all the way to town to get half a massage then help me clean up.

“Really, why did you come out here?”

He looks toward me, his face stoic. “I’m following you back to town. There’s a storm on the way.” These are the only words that spill from his lips before he steps outside, leaving me in a haze of what the fuck is happening.

Chapter Four


I’m in the truck waiting for her to come out of the building. All in all, I’d say I handled that pretty well. I didn’t beat the hell out of anyone. I didn’t scream and holler, and I didn’t tell her all the weird fucking things that have gone through my head for the past month. That, and I had her hands all over me for the past hour. If I could’ve taken anymore, I would’ve, but my cock is so close to bursting that I’m not sure how I’ll make it home.

She’s carrying a duffle bag over her shoulder when she steps down the ramp into the dimly lit parking lot. I hate how she comes out here all alone. It’s not safe. Any kind of weirdo could be out here lurking, waiting to grab her up. They’d take a sweet little ray of sun like Kenzie, and they’d ruin her.

I won’t let that happen.

As long as she’s coming out here for school, I’ll be here with her. Granted, I can’t buy out a massage every time. Some days, I’ll have to hide and watch from a distance, as torturous as that will be.

Kenzie settles her duffle bag into her truck and twists her long hair to the side before heading back toward me. I don’t expect this development and my chest tightens. She was asking a lot of questions when I was in the chair and while I’d love to tell my entire life story, I’m not ready for her to judge me for everything I’ve done.

She knocks on the window of my truck. She’s so small out there, standing with her arms folded over her chest. The sound of thunder echoes in the distance, and there’s a stiff breeze blowing through the nearly empty lot.

I crack the door and she backs up, giving me space to hop out. “What’s going on?”