He stays in place as she backs away.

I think it’s over. My muscles loosen slightly, as though the anxiety might be coming to an end, except the man makes a terrible mistake. He stands and turns toward her. His arms are open, and he leans in.

Like she does, my little sunshine smiles, wide and beautiful, and that piece of shit asshole smiles back. He smiles back, leans in, and holds her against his bare chest like a fucking animal. Like an erect, piece of shit, fucking pervert!

My muscles tighten until it’s hard to breathe and the need for control becomes so overwhelming that I can’t help myself.

I step from the truck and drag in cool air as I stalk toward the building. I don’t know what’s about to happen, but I know this place is about to lose its sunshine.

Chapter Three


I’m so exhausted. All I want to do is go home, pop popcorn, watch tv, cuddle with Captain Fluff and read a book. Between the super long, weird morning with James, an argument with my sister over some guy she can’t get over, and this class, I’m cooked. That said, I have two hours left and no more clients, so this is about to get really lame, really fast.

I peek into the hallway. Thankfully, I have the best spot in the place. Quick access to the bathroom and the first one out the door when the bell rings. I planned it like this. If you’re first to show up, you get dibs on tables. Since the first class, everyone has kind of stuck to their own areas.

Thank God.

Right now, though, I could use a vending machine with something sweet. I need sugar to get me through the rest of the night. Sugar or caffeine. Maybe I should go for soda instead. Sugar makes me sleepy, and I want to be wide awake for the ride home.

We’re not supposed to leave our area because someone else could come in and the professor wants us all in place, but I think there’s a vending machine right around that corner. I bet I could get there and back before anyone noticed I was gone.

I grab my wallet and sneak into the hallway, pushing behind a closed door before I see the mana I’ve been searching for. Cola and candy. Score! I press the buttons for a diet and some Skittles, which really makes no sense. There’s sugar in the Skittles and the diet is only replacing the sugar in the cola. I could get everything from a regular cola. It’s more fun to eat the Skittles, though. They kind of fizz in your mouth when you down them with carbonated anything.

“Kenzie… where are you?” my professor's voice echoes in the hallway.

Shit! Of course, the second I walk away, someone walks in.

“Coming!” I scuff my feet to give the impression that I’m hurrying, but I think I might be going the same speed as if I was just walking. “Hey… sorry! I was so thirsty. I didn’t get a chance to grab dinner.”

My professor isn’t much older than me. I’d guess late twenties or early thirties. When I first met him, I thought he was going to be cool. He dresses all artsy and wears big, chunky, silver rings, and his hair is dyed grey like a hipster or something. I learned quickly, though, he’s not cool. He’s, in fact, uptight as hell.

“This is a job, Kenzie. You’re getting paid to be here. No one wants sticky fingers all over their back.”

I want to laugh because the ‘pay’ I’m getting to be here is more reminiscent of mandatory community service than an actual job. I actually think prisoners might be getting paid more to sort mail than I am to give massages, but that’s not the point, I guess. It’s school, and I’m here to learn… not make money. Plus, the change I get each week really helps my Skittles addiction.

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“You can’t do that. You can’t disappe—”

“She’s fine,” a man’s voice interrupts in the distance. I’ve heard it before, and the bass immediately tightens my chest. “I’m your next client. I’m ready when you are.”

What the hell?

My professor looks toward me. “James has a sore shoulder and some lower back pain. He’d like you to work on him for the remaining time.”

“Two hours? He wants a two-hour massage?”

My professor nods.

“I thought we didn’t do two-hour massages because of lymphatic drainage and stuff.”

Professor Carlo looks toward James, then back at me. “He’s insisting, so we’re going to give the client what he wishes.”

I glance up and see my boss standing in the doorway. I’ve only ever seen him around Rugged Mountain. I didn’t think he existed outside of that circle. Turns out, he can leave the mountain. He can leave the mountain, come to the Springs, enter my classroom, and ask for a massage that takes up the rest of my night.

That’s not weird at all.