Tears roll down her face. “Are you okay? You’re not saying anything.”

“Yes! Yes, sweetheart.” I hold her tight and kiss the top of her head over and over. “I didn’t think I could be any happier, but this… this puts it over the top.”

She grins wide. “I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow if you want to go.”

“Yeah, I want to go.” I’m smiling about as wide as I did on our wedding day. Fuck! How did the first forty-four years of my life drag on, while the last two months have flown by?

It’s hard to believe we’ve already done so much together. Our wedding was a month ago, right here on the ranch. It was simple, but perfect. A few folks came, mostly from her family, though my brother, his wife, and their dog were in attendance. Truthfully, I don’t care who was there. My eyes were on Kenzie the whole time. She wore a long, white lacy dress that showed off her curves. Her hair was long and twisted with curls, and she smelled like lavender and fresh fruit.

I rub my hand over her stomach and wonder who is growing inside of her. Will I have a son or a daughter? Will they have my weirdo complexities, or will they be sweet and bright like their mother?

God, I hope they’re like her.

“You feeling sick yet?”

She shakes her head. “Not at all. I’m going to blame everything I’m hungry for on cravings, though, so be warned.”

“Yeah, is that right?”

She nods and bites back a smile. “Like right now, I’m starving for a large cheese pizza with buffalo ranch dipping sauce. And on the side, I’m thinking… brownies with vanilla ice cream and hot fudge. Oh, and the top covered with whipped cream and a cherry. Sorry, can’t forget that.”

I smile. “Whatever you want. Always.”

Iris pulls up the driveway and Kenzie snuggles into my chest. “Maybe we just put everything else off today and go back to bed. What do you think?”

“I think your sister would yell at me if you didn’t answer the door.”

She sighs playfully. “Okay… I guess. I guess I’ll protect you.”

Begrudgingly, Kenzie stands from my lap and moves toward the door.

I’m still a little in shock. A baby. I’m going to be a father.

“Hey, Iris. You’ve come with fish.”

Iris nods and holds up the bags of blue tang as though they’re trophies. “Do you know how hard it was to drive these buggers home from the city? I was checking them every two minutes because I was afraid the bags would come untied.”

“Did they?”


Kenzie laughs. “I guess we should get them in water then.”

Iris looks around Kenzie and nods. Since the wedding we’ve come a long way, but I still think Iris is suspicious of me. “Your stalker is still here I see.”

“Stalker?” Kenzie smiles. “Yeah, he’s still stalking me. Stalked me all the way to the alter and now I bet he’s going to stalk me right into the hospital.”

Iris’ brows narrow. “What?”

“I’m pregnant!”

Her sister stares toward me and then Kenzie with her mouth slacked open. “Oh my God! You’re pregnant! How far along are you?”

“Six weeks. I think we’re going to the doctor tomorrow.”

“God, is this bad timing? I mean with your massage studio opening and everything.” Iris sits at the dining table and grabs an apple from the bowl in the center.

“No, it’s perfect. That’s why James built the studio here at the ranch, so I could see clients and still be here for the family we want.”