And that was with me sharing her with another man. Damn, she was insatiable – even the thought of her hands on me brought a grin to my face, my body tingling at the memory of where I had left her, sprawled out in my bed, waiting for me to come back, telling both of us not to take too long. She had almost insisted on coming to meet with her father with us, but I had managed to dissuade her, not wanting our newfound closeness to be obvious to him when we entered his office once more.
Alex led the way to Maxim’s office, and the door was open when we reached it. Maxim rose to his feet from behind his desk and gestured for us to come inside.
"Thank you for meeting with me today," he remarked, as we both took our seats opposite him. I felt as though his gaze was burning right through me, as though he could see just what was going on inside our heads. I shifted in my seat, hoping my discomfort wasn’t written all over my face.
"No problem," Alex replied smoothly. "You want to catch up about how things are going with Olya?”
"With my daughter, yes," he agreed. His daughter – shit, I had to remember that was why we had been hired in the first place. To look after his little girl. And instead, the two of us had...
"It’s going well," Alex replied, nodding. "She’s been looking for some more independence lately, though. I think she wants more space to herself."
Maxim frowned, shaking his head.
"That’s not what I hired you two for," he replied, eyeing us pointedly. "You keep an eye on her, alright? At all times. She doesn’t get out of your sight."
Alex nodded, and I could see a slight tension in his jaw – probably as he remembered the night she had gotten away from us, headed out to the club by herself, and nearly been kidnapped as a result. We had kept it from Maxim, and for good reason – no way in hell did he need to hear about that, not when nothing had come of it in the end.
"I know," Alex replied. "We’ve been keeping a close eye on her. She doesn’t get out of the apartment alone."
And it was driving her crazy. I knew that much. She had made that clear with the pouting, the complaining, the attempts to sneak past us. At least these days, she had good reason to stay in this place, because we were spending as much of our time pleasuring her as possible – but I knew it would only be a matter of time before she started getting restless again before she started craving something more.
"Maybe that’s something we could discuss in the future," I suggested, and Alex shot me a look out of the corner of his eye. I ignored him. Maxim crossed his arms over his chest and looked at me for a moment.
"What do you mean?"
"Giving her some more space," I suggested. "Doesn’t have to be some big event, she could go out for coffee without us right there, something like that."
Maxim shook his head.
"That’s not what I paid the two of you for," he snapped back. "I want eyes on her every minute. With the kind of people who work in this city..."
He trailed off, his face paling slightly, as though the very thought of it was more than he was able to wrap his head around. I wondered, briefly, what kind of shit he had seen that had him so worried about what might happen to his daughter if he didn’t play his cards right. I guessed, for all the darkness I’d encountered in New Ruska, he had seen a million times worse.
"You understand?" he asked, glaring at us seriously.
"We understand," Alex replied, and he reached his foot over to kick mine, a warning not to say any more than I already had. I knew he was right. But still, it didn’t feel...right, being with Olya when I knew we were being relied on to keep her locked away at the same time. Controlling her like that, no matter what the reason for it, while we were sleeping with her, took us into a gray territory that I didn’t like.
"Have you had any trouble?" Maxim asked. We both shook our heads.
"It’s been quiet," I replied. "Do many people know she’s back in the city? After she spent all that time in Budapest?"
"Enough," he muttered. "Enough that I need to know you’re able to handle this."
"We can, Maxim," Alex assured him quickly. "You have nothing to worry about. She’s safe with us."
"Good," he replied, breathing a sigh of relief. "I hired you because of your reputation, and if you did anything to damage that..."
He trailed off, letting the threat hang dangerously in the air between us. I clenched my fist beneath the table. I knew I couldn’t let anything slip. Maxim Antonov could make or break you in this city if you didn’t play your cards right, and honestly, I didn’t want to find out what happened if he decided you hadn’t done what he had asked of you.
He hit us with a few more questions, and I could tell from the way he was looking between us that he wasn’t entirely sure he brought our answers. He could sense something had shifted here, even if he hadn’t been able to put it into words. It felt as though we were being interrogated, like we might be caught out at any second if we said or did the wrong thing...
But, eventually, he rose to his feet once more and nodded his approval.
"Well, I’ll be in touch again in another month," he told us. "If anything happens between then and now, I’ll expect you to reach out to me directly."
"We will," Alex agreed, and he extended his hand across the desk towards Maxim, who shook it. I did the same thing. I still felt like such a fucking fraud, the way we were promising him that we’d keep his daughter safe – when I knew what we would be getting up to as soon as we got home.
"And if there’s anything else you need to talk to me about," he continued, all of a sudden. "You know how to contact me, don’t you?"