Page 58 of Guarded Heart

“You’re perfect,” I whisper.


One Year Later. Autumn

Ialready know what the results will be, yet I’m still sitting in Savanna’s bathroom waiting for confirmation.

What will Easton think?

The only time that we ever mentioned having more kids was when I confessed my feelings for him the second time and it’s never been mentioned again. I can’t help but think that he might be a little upset about the news, while also hoping that he will be excited.

When I walked into Savanna’s house holding the pregnancy test up in the air, she immediately pushed me inside and demanded I use the bathroom while her own baby cried in another room. The cries have since stopped, but my heart is still beating wildly in my chest. I jump when a knock sounds on the door, then turn my attention back to the timer on my phone which shows I still have thirty seconds left before I can look.

“Well, what’s the verdict?” Savanna asks, her bundle of joy cuddled against her chest.

I sigh and shake my head. “I haven’t looked yet.”

She groans and walks over to me with a frown. “What’s stopping you?”

“I just don’t want him to be upset.”

“Seriously, what is wrong with the two of you? Last year it was him coming to me, worried that you wouldn’t say yes to marrying him, and now you think he’ll hate the idea of becoming a dad again?” She slowly sits at the edge of the bathtub with her sleeping baby in her arms. “He will be fine, Autumn.”

My phone blares in the room, eliciting a whimper from the sleeping baby, and I quickly cut the sound off with a deep breath. “Moment of truth.”

Savanna is practically itching to pick the test up for me and I shake my head before picking up the plastic stick. It’s still facing down, the results hidden, and I close my eyes while turning it over. My vision blurs when I look down, two lines shining back at me, and I smile to myself.

“I take it that congratulations are in order?” Savanna asks softly.

I nod and let a tear fall. “Yeah, looks that way.” She smiles brightly when I show her the results, then I get up from the toilet seat I’ve been sitting on. “I have to tell Easton. He should’ve been the first one I told.”

Savanna gasps and glares at me. “Rude.” Then she shrugs. “But I understand. Go tell your man and in the meantime I’m going to take a much needed nap before Dawson gets home from work.”

Will I end up being like Savanna? As soon as she had the baby it’s like everything work related went out of her head and she decided being a stay-at-home parent was her thing. I’ve enjoyed teaching dance and having something to look forward to every day. It was a dream that I never thought would be a reality, but will that all change now?

The pregnancy test is burning a hole in my pocket as I arrive home to a quiet house. Bethany is at one of her friends' houses for the night, while Easton is working an extra shift. He still goes out of town every now and then, but for the most part he decided to stay local so he could be close to Bethany and me.

At least the two of them being gone gives me time to figure out how to announce the pregnancy. For the next couple hours I watch different videos on my phone of other people with their announcements, but eventually my eyes get too heavy and I let them fall shut.

The front door shutting is what has me jumping awake, eyes wide with fear, until I realize Easton is probably home from work. “Easton?” I ask softly.

“Red? What are you doing up, I thought you’d be asleep by now.”

I yawn wide and give him a sleepy grin. “I was trying to wait for you, but I guess sleep got the best of me.”

He chuckles and runs his fingers through my hair. “Come up to bed, then.” I let him pull me up from the couch, leaving my phone behind on the coffee table, then follow him upstairs into our room.

We get into bed and when he pulls me into him and rests his hand over my stomach, I can’t help but smile at the idea of him being a dad again. This time I get to watch him be a dad from the very beginning and I can’t wait to see it.

I’m praying he’ll be excited about my news, but what if he wanted to wait another year or two before adding to the family?

I shake the negative thoughts away and instead focus on the way I’m going to announce the pregnancy. It would be a cute idea to try doing a family photoshoot and surprise both Bethany and Easton with the news. Being able to capture their faces would be an amazing thing to look back on, especially if I can’t manage to get Easton to agree to more kids.

With the baby on my mind, I snuggle closer to Easton and drift back off to sleep with images of a little boy in my dreams.

As soon as I wake up, the first thing I do is find a photographer close to us who is willing to come to the house for the photoshoot and type out a long email with details of what I’m planning on doing.

I’m surprised when she responds almost immediately, excited about the idea and more than willing to accommodate my request. Since I don’t want to wait too long, we agree that she will come over in a few days and we’ll do something quick and easy.