Page 35 of Guarded Heart


How many more days can Bethany go without talking to me? I’ve refused every single out of town job that’s come my way since Autumn left and it seems as though my boss might be demoting me. I should care, but I can’t bring myself to.

Right now I’m staring at Bethany as she slowly eats a bowl of cereal, her eyes scanning the back of the box like she’s actually reading it, even though she’s read the same thing every morning. Autumn left three days ago and it didn’t take long for Bethany to blame me for her walking out.

Autumn could’ve easily chosen to stay though, so why isn’t there any blame on her too?

Bethany slurps what’s left of her milk and then gets up from the table, dropping her bowl into the sink. She doesn’t so much as spare me a glance as she walks by. No good morning smile, laugh, or even something as simple as a hug, which causes my chest to tighten.

What the hell am I supposed to do?

I run a hand through my hair before taking a deep breath and making my way upstairs. My fingers are crossed behind my back hoping that Bethany will open the door for me. Her music is blaring in her room, the bass thumping against the floor, so I knock extra loud for her to hear me.

After a few minutes I knock again a little louder, thinking she hasn’t heard me. I let my shoulders slump in defeat when she still doesn’t come to the door and then I slide down it until I’m sitting on the floor. She might not be answering me, but when she decides to come out of hiding she’ll have to ask me to move.

My phone rings in my pocket and I pull it out to see Mom’s image on the screen. I haven’t talked to her much since everything happened at dinner and I realize maybe I should. If there’s anyone who can help me understand Autumn, it would be the woman who grew up raising Savanna and me with nothing but love in the house.

“Ma,” I whisper, my head thumping against Bethany’s door. “What’s going on?”

She sighs before clearing her throat. “I want to apologize for meddling, Easton.” I know she’s always meant well when trying to set me up, but it feels nice to hear an apology for it. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. “It’s a difficult situation and I know I’ve made it worse.”

“I’m in a bit of another situation, Ma, and I’m thinking you could help me figure it out?”

“Of course, son, what’s going on?”

“The things that Bethany said about Autumn and me? They were kind of true – for the most part.”

She gasps excitedly and it makes my lips twitch before dropping into a frown. “She’s a lovely girl; I’ve always liked her. She’s been such a good friend to your sister.”

I nod and blow out a rough breath. “We got closer while she was working here and I may have messed things up, but I don’t exactly understand how.”

Her hum in response sets me on edge and I notice the music behind the door has stopped playing. I keep the phone pressed firmly to my ear as I wait for Mom to speak. If this is what it takes to get Bethany to stop giving me the silent treatment, then I’m all for continuing this conversation while she eavesdrops.

“Well, what happened, honey?” Mom asks.

“I may have told her that our time together didn’t mean anything. Then she up and quit the next day. Apparently I’m supposed to know what’s wrong with her.”

“Easton, sweetie,” my mother says softly. “People make rash decisions when feelings are involved. Have you bothered to wonder if maybe she’s has feelings for you?”

I blink a few times and shake my head. “Why would she have feelings for me, Ma? I’ve done nothing but tell her this couldn’t be more. She knows I’m terrified to love someone, so what reason would she have to be in love with me?”

She snickers on the other end of the line at the same time that Bethany’s door swings open, revealing my daughter with her foot tapping against the floor and a frown on her face. “Are you really that clueless, Dad?” Bethany asks. The first set of words she’s spoken to me in days and I’m getting called names? I’ll take that over nothing, I guess.

My mother clears her throat and says, “Son, I think you should have a long conversation with Autumn about her feelings, then go from there.You might have a better idea of what’s going on.”

Bethany starts to close her door again, but I throw my hand out and keep it from clicking shut. “Not a chance, Bethany. You’re going to stop acting like a seven year old and come downstairs to have a civil conversation.”

She rolls her eyes and shrugs before stomping past me downstairs.

“I’ve gotta go, Ma, thanks for the talk.”

“Easton, don’t let fear win. You’ll be surprised how easily love can mend you in ways living without it can’t.” With that, we say our goodbyes and I’m left a little speechless at her words before striding into the living room to hash things out with Bethany.

I raise an eyebrow when Savanna walks through my front door carrying a few bags, each containing some sort of alcohol, and I quickly grab a bag to help her out. “What the hell is this?”

She shrugs. “Figured we might need it with the conversation I’m going to have with you.”

“Sav, come on, I don’t need a lecture from you.”