Page 13 of Guarded Heart

“Okay, yeah, I’ll talk to him about doing it like that.” She flips a few pages and holds the binder out to me again. “Second, the color scheme. Dawson and I have been going back and forth with these two sets. He likes bright colors, while I prefer fall colors.”

I nod and chew on my bottom lip. “When is the wedding again?” For some reason, even being the maid of honor, I can’t keep the wedding date firm in my brain. I’m going to need it tattooed somewhere at this point.

“Next spring.”

“I’d say do the bright colors, but maybe do an accent fall color. Possibly pale pink and tan? Something like that.”

Savanna smiles brightly. “God, you’re a lifesaver. At the rate Dawson and I have been going, the wedding would have to be extended until further notice.”

I chuckle and shrug my shoulders. “That’s what best friends are for, right? What’s next?”

“Well, Dawson seems to think we need to release doves after we kiss, but I was thinking something more simple than that. Maybe both of us pour sand into a jar at the same time,” she says excitedly. “Our names could be engraved on the jar and the color of the sand we each pour would be our favorite. The colors mix together as we pour them. Symbolic. What do you think?”

“Doves?” Dawson would do everything in the world for Savanna, but there are times where I question where his head is at. Who the heck needs doves to fly around at a wedding? “I think the sand idea seems more manageable, so I’d go with that. What is he thinking?”

“I honestly have no clue. He’s more obsessed with planning this wedding than I am.”

In my opinion, I think Dawson is making up for all the years they spent apart and wants to make it a fairytale wedding instead of something simple. He’s more than proved himself to her over the last few months, going out of his way to do romantic things with her that he didn’t get to do before. While I’m ecstatically happy for my bestie, it definitely makes me a little envious.

What would it feel like to have someone love me so unconditionally?

“Okay, girl, is there anything else?” I ask as I swallow the last bite of my bagel. “I’ve got to head back to your brother’s and get the house cleaned up a bit before I have to pick Bethany up from practice.”

She blows out a long breath of relief and nods. “I think we’re good for now. For sure, this is the most progress I’ve made since planning began.” Her gaze lands on the women who are likely still eyeing me up and she glares at them with a shake of her head before she stands up and puts her binder in her tote bag

“Call me when you want to do this again, okay?” I tell her.

“Will do. Love you and give Bethy a hug for me.”

As soon as she walks out of the cafe, I finish the last of my coffee and then give Elijah a small wave goodbye, thinking of all the things I need to do before I pick up Bethany.

“Okay, Bethany,” I say as she drops her gym bag onto the floor with a thud. “If you have homework, get it done while I start on dinner.”

“Already? I just walked through the door.”

I scoff. “Yeah, well, if you don’t get it done now you’ll never get it done and it will be my job on the line. Do you need help with anything?”

She shakes her head and frowns. “No thanks. Just holler for me when dinner’s done. I’ll be up in my room.”

Every so often I’ll think about what it would be like to do these things with my own child. Picking him or her up from school, helping with homework, or fixing a nice dinner. Then I remember that I don’t have anyone in my life like that and can’t have that fantasy.

Except something different is happening right now. All I can think about is Easton and me sitting at the kitchen table with a grown-up Bethany and a little boy or girl of our own.

Chapter Seven


If I have to hear one more person say boss today, I’m going to rip my hair out.

I’ve only been out of town for a little over a week and it still isn’t getting any easier knowing Bethany is home alone. Well, she’s technically not alone, but she’s still not with me.

“Boss,” one of my men says from ten feet away, his hard hat sitting lopsided on top of his head. “We need you down here.”

When don’t they need me? It’s like as soon as I finish up with one guy, another one is just waiting to call for me. I’ve been out at the job site for most of the afternoon and have yet to sit down for lunch.

I had thought when my boss offered me this promotion through his contracting company that it would be a walk in the park. He told me beforehand that I would be in charge of the crew and have to walk through the jobsite to make sure everything was going smoothly, but he didn’t tell me how incompetent all of these guys are.

“What’s the problem?” I ask him.