Page 9 of Guarded Heart

“Well, don’t leave him waiting,” I grind out, then turn away from her. The last thing I’m going to do is give her attention when she’s about to walk into the arms of someone else.

Is it bad of me to hope her date doesn’t go well? It’s not like I’d ever act on this attraction I’m feeling, but damn if it doesn’t irritate me that she’s going out looking like that. I’ve never seen her so put together and beautiful. I mean, it’s not like she isn’t beautiful every day, but this is a version of her I’ve never seen before.

Autumn doesn’t say anything as she walks toward the front door and I watch as she lets her date wrap his arm around her waist before leading her away from the house. I groan loudly when the door shuts and run a hand over my face.

“You could do something about it, you know?” Bethany says, startling me.

“What are you going on about, Bethany?” I say as I turn in her direction.

She sits on the couch next to me, her eyes following the headlights as Autumn and her date head down the driveway, and looks at me. “You know what I’m talking about, Dad. Autumn. You like her.”

“We’ve had this conversation already.” If she can sense my attraction to Autumn, being as young as she is, is it obvious to everyone else too?

Bethany shakes her head and frowns. “I don’t get it, what’s so wrong about being with someone and letting happiness into your life?” This girl always acts so much more mature than her age. I have a feeling Elena would be proud of that.

“It’s not as easy as you might think,” I choke out. “Things have been rough for me ever since your mom died, Bethany, and I’ve been scared to have anything with someone else. What if the same thing happens again?”

“What if it doesn’t? I get what you’re saying, Dad, but you can’t miss out on love because you think it will go wrong. She could walk out onto the street tomorrow and get hit by a bus.” That thought has my spine straightening and Bethany places her hand on my thigh to calm me down, just as she used to do as a little girl. “I’m not saying that to worry you, I’m just being honest. Why deny something that’s there out of fear?”

“I just don’t think I can do it, baby girl.”

She sighs and shakes her head. “I tried. My only concern is making sure you’re happy, Dad, and I don’t think you are. You want more, but fear is stopping you.”

I chuckle. “Are you sure you’re twelve?”

“Almost thirteen,” she quickly adds, as if I could ever forget. “I learned from the best, you know.”

“I’m sorry for being so hard on you before I left. It’s a hard thing to talk about, but it’s harder when I know I’ve upset you.”

“I still love you.” She leans against my chest and glances at the television. “Do you think she’ll have a good time?”

I’d rather not think about it.

For whatever reason, I thought it would be a good idea to wait until Autumn got back from her date before heading to bed. I’m going to blame it on my protectiveness and not on the fact that I want to see if she really did have a good time.

The headlights shine through the curtains as her date pulls in front of the house and my palms start to sweat. I rub the moisture along my thighs and jump when I hear a car door shut. I wait with bated breath for another door to close, suggesting her date is walking her to the front door, but it never comes which is a little promising. I’d never go out on a date and not walk the girl to her front door. If I was to ever go on a date that is. Which I won’t.

Before she’s even walked through the door, his headlights are already gone.

Autumn groans in relief when she steps through the door and takes her shoes off. My eyebrows raise and I watch her silently as she leans against the front door with her eyes closed. I clear my throat and one of her hands flies up against her chest. “Easton! Jesus Christ, you scared me!”

“Nice date?”

Autumn rolls her eyes and pushes away from the door. “I’m not getting into this with you right now. I’m going to bed.”

“Just asking a question.” I’m definitely trying to get the details, gauge how jealous I need to be, but I’m going to try playing it off as being a concerned friend.

“What do you want to know?” She asks, stepping closer and closer to me, leaving a dangerous lack of space between us. It wouldn’t take much for us to be chest to chest right now – a thought that makes my eyes dip down to her breasts, the creamy slopes of which are on display at the top of her dress.

She looks fucking amazing.

“You want to know how amazing it felt when he kissed me across the table at dinner, or how his hand was caressing my thigh while he drove me back here?”

“Stop,” I snap at her.

That’s the last thing I want to hear.

“Why?” she cocks her head to the side and raises a brow in challenge. “You’re the one who wanted to know about my date, I’m just trying to give you all the juicy details you seem to want.”