Page 50 of Guarded Heart

I’m a mess when Savanna finally graces me with her presence, fresh tears falling down my cheeks at the image of Easton driving away from me.

She stops in the middle of the living room, her eyes narrowed on my face, and she shakes her head. “What happened?”

“It went great,” I say sarcastically. “I told him I loved him and he left. He couldn’t get out of here fast enough, Sav.”

What did I think would happen? It was stupid of me to assume everything would be right in the world and that he would let me jump into his arms just because I told him I love him. Maybe I should’ve tried a different approach. The couch sinks under Savanna’s weight and she puts her arm around my shoulders, pulling me into her. “What did he say?”

“Basically nothing. He just walked out and drove off while I watched from the front porch.”

I had hoped that maybe it was a knee-jerk reaction to what I said and he would end up turning around and let me finish what I was trying to say. But considering it’s been two hours, I’m starting to think he’s not coming back.

He didn’t give me the chance to tell him where I saw my future. It wasn’t long ago that he asked me that question and I couldn’t give him a definitive answer, but that’s not the case anymore. I know exactly where I see my future and it’s with Easton and Bethany in it.

How do I get him to listen to me, though?

Savanna sighs when her phone rings from her purse and she pulls it out reluctantly, glancing at me briefly when she checks the caller ID. “It’s Bethany, what do you want me to do?”

The smile I give Savanna makes her eyebrows scrunch in confusion, then she shakes her head. “No way, you are not using my niece to get in good graces with Easton.”

“I am not going to use her.” I wave my hand at her phone, which is still ringing, and say, “Just answer the damn call and see what she wants.”

In the meantime, I’ll be thinking of how to convince Easton that we are right for each other and that I’m not going anywhere ever again.

“Bethy,” Savanna says cheerfully. “What’s up?”

My best friend nods as Bethany talks over the other line, her voice too muffled for me to hear anything she’s saying. “You want to do that tonight?” Savanna asks.

What does she want to do tonight, I wonder? Savanna looks over at me and sighs. “Let me see what Autumn thinks and I’ll call you back.” As soon as she hangs up the phone, I’m nodding, not even letting her voice the question to me. I have no clue what Bethany wants, but right now I don’t care. Savanna rolls her eyes. “You don’t even know what she called for.”

I sigh. “Fine, what did she want?”

“Bethany wants us to have our girls’ night tonight.”

“Perfect!” I exclaim and Savanna frowns at me. “What? I can’t be excited to spend some time with her?”

“Yeah,” she mutters. “Because that’s what you’re excited for. I can’t believe I’m letting you do this.”

I’m not using Bethany per se, but she’s probably going to be my best bet at making sure Easton gives me the time of day. He needs to hear where my head is at with everything without walking away from me and something tells me that Bethany will make sure that happens.

“Call her back and let her know you’ll be there to pick her up in a little while. We can have girls' night over here, as long as Dawson is okay with that.”

Savanna scoffs. “That man will agree to anything that makes me happy. I’ll tell him to go hang out with Gage for the night or something.” She rises from the couch and rolls her eyes. “Guess I’ll be back. I’ve got nothing here for a girls’ night so I’ll need to go to the store.”

“I’ll come with you!” As soon as I go to stand, I realize my crutches are on the other side of the room and I blow out an annoyed breath. “Or not.”

She laughs at me and shakes her head. “I won’t be long. I’m sure you can manage by yourself for a little while longer.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

In truth, I’m excited to be spending time with Bethany that isn’t over video. She’s become a huge part of my life in such a short time, even if I never expected it to end up that way, and having this time with her will really solidify where I’m supposed to be.

Will Easton think I’m trying to get to him through her? Probably. I mean, in a way I am, but I would still hang out with her regardless.

I’m buzzing with excitement when the front door opens and Bethany walks in with a huge smile on her face. She drops her stuffed backpack to the floor at her feet before rushing over to me. She came to see me in the hospital, but this is much better than that sterile place.

She sits next to me on the sofa and gives me a huge hug, but pushes away from me when I wince, causing her eyes to grow wide. “Shoot, did I hurt you?”

I shake my head and smile at her. “No way, girl. I’ll always be able to handle your hugs.”