Page 41 of Guarded Heart

“You should go home and rest.” Savanna?

There’s a grunt in response, but nothing else and I can’t figure out who else it could be. I can’t even remember what happened, or where I am, and I just want to open my eyes so I can figure it the hell out. Why can’t I move?

My head is aching and there’s a pain piercing through to the back of my neck. I can’t even make a sound to let anyone know I’m awake and aware of everything around me.

“I’ll tell her you were here when she wakes up. At least go get some food from the cafeteria.”

Whoever Savanna is trying to convince to leave the room is definitely not having it. A warmth spreads through me when a hand comes down on my arm, squeezing gently, and I let myself fall into the feeling. Maybe I just need a little more sleep, then I’ll be able to open my eyes.

A bright light shines into my eyes when I finally manage to get them open and I squint against the ferocity of it. I try to sit up, but my leg is being held up by something and I can’t move.

I groan in response and the bed I’m lying on dips low as someone leans over the bed.

My eyes cut along the white walls and I note the machine standing next to the bed with my heart rate on it. You’re in the hospital, Autumn.

The hospital? I shake my head, but it only makes the pain in my neck worse and I suck in a sharp breath.

“Easy, Red,” the voice says beside me and I snap my attention to it, my gaze colliding with Easton’s as he stares intently at me. “Take it easy, I’ll get the doctor.”

“Doctor?” I ask, although my throat is feeling dry.

He grabs a small cup from a table and hands it to me with a small smile. “You don’t remember anything?”

I’m trying to wrack my brain for any information I’m missing, but the only thing I remember is turning onto an exit ramp before everything goes dark. Why am I in the hospital?

Easton waits until I’m handing him the cup back then quickly heads out of the room before coming back with an older man in tow. The older guy gives me a smile and nods at me. “Autumn, it’s good to see you awake. How are you feeling? Any pain?”

“Uh,” I say, clearing my throat. “My head hurts.”

He nods. “That’s to be expected; you took a rough hit.” His fingers trail over the leg that’s hanging in the air and I wince from the contact. “Leg hurting?”

I nod.

“What’s the pain like on a scale from one to ten?”

His question forces me to think which only causes my head to hurt slightly more and I squeeze my eyes shut. “Seven?”

“I’ll order you some pain medicine and it should help you out. Do you know why you’re here?”

I shake my head and frown. “No. Do you mind telling me?”

“You were in a car accident, Autumn,” Easton answers for the doctor, who narrows his eyes at him, but Easton chooses to ignore the look. “Scared us something fierce.”

“Where’s Savanna? I heard her voice earlier.”

Easton smiles. “She’ll be back up soon. She went down to the cafeteria for some food.” He falls back into the chair next to my bed and grabs hold of my hand, brushing his lips gently over my skin. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

The doctor clears his throat, gaining both our attention, and nods. “Is there anything you need right now, Autumn?”

I shake my head. “I don’t think so.”

“Very well. I’ll have the nurse bring your pain medicine to you shortly. Please rest as much as you need to in the meantime, okay?” He doesn’t say anything else before backing out of the room and heading down the hall, and I sigh dramatically before letting my head fall against the fluffy pillow.

“How long have I been here?”

Easton sighs. “A few days. I stopped keeping track after the first day.”

“Where’s Bethany?”