Page 18 of Guarded Heart

She laughs and says, “Sure. What do you want to do?”

I shrug. “Let’s play it by ear. Just get ready and plan to be out all day.”

“Awesome! Okay. I’ll be down soon.”

It’s been a while since we’ve been able to do anything together. Between my promotion and moving into the new house, there’s barely been enough time for anything other than sitting on the couch together which is why I’m looking forward to finally having the opportunity to spend some quality time with her today.

I’ve also already let my boss know that I need to be in town the night of her dance. I’m excited to be here for such a milestone, but I’m also looking forward to putting the fear of God into her date. In the nicest possible way of course.

Weeks have passed since Autumn and I were together and if I thought being constantly around her was going to get any easier I was sorely mistaken. Each morning I walk into the kitchen to find her sitting there with a coffee mug clutched in her hand and I keep wishing that she woke up next to me every morning instead of in her own bed.

Today though?

Tonight is the night of Bethany’s first dance and Autumn has been pampering her all day. Right now they are laughing at each other while Autumn does Bethany’s hair and I lean against the doorframe watching them. Neither of them has spared me a glance, which I don’t mind as it gives me a moment to study them both.

Autumn lights up when she talks to Bethany, coming alive in a way that I’ve never seen before, not even when she’s with Savanna. Bethany also looks happier than I’ve ever seen her. She’s laughing and giggling as Autumn fixes her hair and it terrifies the hell out of me. She’s getting attached to Autumn in a way I didn’t anticipate, but for the moment I’ll have to let it go.

Tonight’s too important for me to make a big deal out of the two of them having fun together.

Autumn claps when she finishes the last of Bethany’s hair and smiles brightly as she picks up a small mirror so Bethany can hold it to her face and use it to check out the back through the mirror behind her. “We’re done, girlfriend!” Bethany gets up from the chair and I watch as Autumn takes a garment bag from the hook on the back of the closet door. “Now, let’s get this baby on.”

Bethany glances my way and frowns when she sees me standing there. “Do you mind, Dad? I’m not changing with you in here.”

I chuckle and throw my hands in the air before backing away from the doorway. “Let me know when you’re done. I can’t wait to see how beautiful you look.”

These days I don’t know which version of Bethany I’m going to get. One minute she’s happy and laughing with me, the next she’s having an attitude and stomping away from me. I know it’s a thing that will happen as she gets older, but she’s giving me damn whiplash with her random moods.

Bethany nods and shuts the door and I can hear the sounds of shuffling behind it as she lets Autumn help her into the dress. It only takes a few minutes before the door is being pulled back open and Autumn lets me back into the room. She’s got a wide smile on her face and when I look over her shoulder, I can see why.

“Bethy,” I say softly. “You look beautiful. Just like your mom.”

Her eyes shine, then she shakes her head and looks at me with eyes shining with tears. “Don’t make me cry, Dad, you’ll ruin my makeup before I get there.”

“Who is this boy, by the way? Why have I never met him or his family?”

Bethany groans and looks over at Autumn. “Can you please tell him not to embarrass me?”

Autumn chuckles behind me and places a hand over my arm. “Easton, leave her alone. She’s nervous enough as it is. I’ve told you before, he’s a good boy.”

Apparently while I was gone on my last out of town job, Bethany ended up bringing her date over and Autumn got to meet him. I’ll give her credit; she did call me before letting him in my house to see if I would be okay with it and I figured it was the best chance I had of getting an idea of what the kid is like.

“So you’re meeting him there?” I ask Bethany.

She smiles and grabs the clutch off the vanity which Autumn lent to her for the night. “Yes, Dad and he’s probably already waiting for me so we should head out.”

Bethany pulls Autumn into a tight hug and my heart turns over in my chest at the sight. “Thanks for everything, Autumn. You rock.”

Autumn nods with tears shining in her eyes and I eye her curiously before following Bethany out of her room.

As we step out onto the front porch and head towards my car, Autumn hollers for us and holds her phone up. “Let me take a picture of you two before you leave.”

She snaps a few pictures, including silly ones where we’re both pulling faces for the camera and then waves us away excitedly as she watches me back out of the driveway.

When I pull up in front of the school and cut the engine, Bethany jumps out, waving to her friends who are waiting on the sidewalk.

“Hey!” I call out to her as I climb out of the driver’s side. “Don’t you say goodbye to your dad anymore?”

She turns to me with a big grin on her face and says, “Sorry, Dad. I’m just excited!”