Page 11 of Embers and Smoke

“At least you’ve been married. No one has loved me enough to be a wife.” I said, being careful not to sound sad or lonely. Being single and childless no longer bothered me. I liked the freedom to spend hours at the bookstore or Williams Sonoma or take a trip on a whim without consulting anyone. A couple of friends, my sister, and cousins with children became my children.

“Is there someone you loved enough to be your husband...besides me, of course.” He teased, and I elbowed him on his side.

“No. I’ve had a lot of Mr. Right Now, so I’m keeping my distance from you, Mr. I’m Not Good in Relationships.”

“I want to do better. My parents are still married and can’t understand why their three sons haven’t gotten it together yet.”

“You want to get married again?” I asked as if his answer didn’t matter. I heard of his marriages through my parents, who still remained in contact with his parents. They moved away shortly after I started college because Jace bought them a new home. I remember being jealous when he first got married to a girl he met in college and had a baby. When he was married the second time, I only felt a tinge of envy. I’d heard through the grapevine that he couldn’t remain faithful and who wants a cheating husband?

He smiled at me. “This time, it will be to a good woman who loves me for me.”

“Don’t do that.” I admonished while picking up the pot and dumping it in the strainer resting in the sink next to the stove. “Don’t flirt with me like you want something serious.”

“I just told you I want to be married again.”

“And why did the last two end?” I dumped the noodles back into the pot. “Probably because you can’t keep your dick in your pants. You never could even back in high school.”

To his credit, Jace chuckled. “I don’t know whether to be insulted or turned on. I can admit I’ve been a ho during my marriages, though I’m not totally at fault. I married the wrong women who wanted my name and money, and they got both in the end.”

I probably should’ve hit next on my phone because Darling Nikki by Prince started playing. I tried to ignore the seductive song as I put the pot back on the stove and took a chunk of parmesan cheese. Apparently, the song affected him too. He eased behind me, guided my hand to slice the cheese, and whispered near my ear. “I know you’re a chef, but I think you can slice the cheese easier if you handle the knife like this.”

Jace wanted an excuse to be near me, to touch me. I closed my eyes and allowed him to use my hand to slice the cheese. My head fell back on his chest. He released my hand, and the knife clattered on the silver island. His hands cupped my breasts while my arms hung limp at my side. He rubbed my nipples over and over again until I moaned. Then one hand dipped even further and slid inside my leggings to feel my slick pussy. He begged, “Come back to my place. I don’t want to fuck you here. At least not for the first time.”

“Not yet.” I gripped his arms, though he only rubbed and pulled harder, urging my body to release.

“Then when? We want each other. Let’s fuck and worry about everything else later.” He turned my chin to slip his tongue in my mouth. We both groaned and kissed. I undulated my hips as his two fingers toyed with my inner lips and clit. His dick pressed into my ass. Only material separated our bodies from the ultimate pleasure. When he pushed my leggings down, I continued to kiss him and only held on to his forearms tighter. Shit. Fuck. My heartbeat thundered. Were we really about to fuck after all these years? My need for him grew more urgent as I heard him unbuckle. Suddenly, the music stopped, replaced by my shrill phone, breaking me from the trance Prince and Jace had on me.

He felt the distance and kissed one of my ass cheeks while he pulled my leggings up. “Answer it.”

Still panting, I reached for the phone on the other side of the island. I checked the caller ID. “Telemarketing.”

He popped my ass before he moved away and adjusted his jeans that didn’t hide the large bulge in his pants which made my mouth water. “Come with me to Vegas. I was supposed to catch a red-eye tonight, but I can wait until tomorrow so you can go with me. Need to meet with my supplier.”

“To Vegas?” My stomach did flips and somersaults while I managed to calmly pour cream and butter into a pan and add some of the cheese. Vegas with Jace meant only one thing.

He leaned with his back against the island, watching me. “Yeah, you remember Malcolm Jacobs?”

“MJ? Of course.” Malcolm was Jace’s friend on the football team and went to my church. He was four years older than me, and Trinity used to have a mad crush on him.

“We get together sometimes, and that’s where I buy cannabis for the restaurant. He has a club.”


He popped a piece of cheese in his mouth. “Think it would be good for you to be in a city where there are no hang-ups about marijuana. I want you to feel comfortable around it, even if you don’t use it. This restaurant can get big, and I’m not supposed to be the face. I don’t want people to know I had anything to do with this place.” He quickly raised his hand, expecting my protest. “I want Embers by Kimble to be popular because it’s a good restaurant and not owned by a former Texan. You put in the hard work for the last five years, and now that it’s about to blow up, you should get all the credit.”

“How can you be so sure I’m about to blow up?”

He picked up the vial, placed a dab of liquid on his index finger, and placed it near my lips. “Suck it.” The timbre in the quiet command of his voice tapped into the submissive part of me I no longer realized existed.

I met his dark gaze and dared him. “Make me.”

“Under your tongue.” He pushed his finger under my tongue before I sucked on his thick, long digit without breaking eye contact. Jace cursed, “Woman, keep playing with me. I swear, I’ll have you so strung out on this dick.”

The taste was bitter. Yet I already wanted more, probably because of how he delivered it to me because I didn’t feel any different. Maybe it was the sexiness of the moment or that Prince’s Take Me With You now drifted around us. “Take me with you to Vegas before I change my mind? The workmen can manage to handle things in the restaurant for one day while we’re gone.”

“Like right now?”

I nodded, “We can buy what we need once we get there. I want you to fuck me all night in Vegas, and we return late tomorrow night. I can get my neighbor to watch my dog.”