Page 20 of Embers and Smoke

“Admit that once you saw me again and were attracted, you knew you would get your way with me?” She jabbed my chest.

“Stop twisting everything around to fit the narrative in your head. I’m an arrogant motherfucker and believe I can get any woman to do what I want. But this restaurant and this idea is not about that. I love you and have loved you since I was that ten-year-old boy, and my idea is to keep this restaurant in business for however long you want it to.”

“While getting my hair braided, I found this article about this area.” She picked up her phone and read, “In 2025, there will be a new luxury apartment and condo complex, and property value is expected to soar for those in the nearby community.” She slammed her phone on her desk. “You stand to triple your investment. You knew this already. That’s why you became interested in my property in the first place and not because you gave a fuck about me.”

“So, what if I knew? We both benefit. You’ll benefit more than me because you still own seventy percent and can buy me out at any time.” I grabbed her forearms. “I get you’re angry. Please stop before you say something you can’t take back.”

She glared at me, her eyes unfeeling. “Like what? That you’re a fucking liar. When I called Waterson about the sign, they sent me the order with your signature. You checked the box that noted that the sign says, ‘Embers’ instead of ‘Embers by Kimble’.”

“I didn’t mean to do that... I...” I stumbled over my words, trying to explain myself.

“What? What Jace? What? Either Waterson can’t read, or you can’t because it’s clear here what was ordered.” She scoffed with such disdain I couldn’t stomach the courage to admit that I fucked up and read the form wrong. I couldn’t handle it if she looked at me like that once I told her about my dyslexia.

“Let me leave before I say something I can’t take back.” This time, I slammed the door on my way out.

Chapter 10


Idon’t know how long I stayed in my office with my head down, tears falling quickly and hard. How could he do this to me again? Someone knocked on my door. I sat up and tried to wipe my eyes and nose, although anyone could easily detect that I’d been crying. “Come in.”

Remi peeked his head in the office. “Can I come in? I heard what happened.”

I sniffed, surprised yet happy to see him. “Yeah. Might as well. You’re used to covering up for your brother and trying to make me feel better. Guess some things don’t change.”

He closed the door quietly and slid into the chair before my desk. “There’s no need for all this. The tears and the sadness are unnecessary this time.”

“What did he tell you?” I asked skeptically.

“It’s what I know.” He wrung his hands. “Jace won’t answer my calls. So, I know he’s sulking somewhere. Listen, I ordinarily don’t intrude in either of my brothers’ love lives. This is different. You’ve been in love with him forever, and I found out earlier today that he felt the same way. So now, I can’t let you two break up over a misunderstanding.”

“It’s not a misunderstanding. He wants what he wants, and it doesn’t matter how I feel. I thought we agreed to have my family’s name on the sign. It’s the only reason I agreed to everything.”

“And all morning, he’s been a crazy man trying desperately to fix it because he knows how much the name means to you.” Remi paused before admitting, “Jace fucked up because he read the form wrong.”

My stomach clenched. “He’s still going with that excuse.”

“No, no. Not an excuse. I know it’s been years since you and I have spoken like this. But I’ve had your back more than his, and if Jace was wrong, I would still have your back. On this one, I have to break the bro code and hope my brother doesn’t kill me.” Remi rubbed his bald head and spoke quietly as if Jace could hear him. “He has dyslexia, and he never wanted you to know that he struggles with reading. The sign was an honest mistake. A big one, but an honest one.”

Suddenly, the clouds lifted. “What? But he went to college.”

“With accommodations and even with the business, he’ll get Langston or me to review proposals and explain them to him to make sure he understands all that he reads.”

I covered my face with shame, thinking of the last thing I said to him. “I shamed him. Basically, I told him that someone can’t read. It was either the company or Jace.”

“Ooh.” He exclaimed. “Um...I mean that...fuck...that’s bad. You better go find him and fuck him good.”

I wailed, “He’s not going to forgive me. I said some ugly stuff to him. I guess the past bothered me more than I believed.”

“He’ll forgive you after a day or a week...maybe a month or so.” He joked before his expression sobered. “My brother has always been the one responsible for us all, even with his flaws, especially when my dad got sick for a long time. He may seem strong and can handle anything. He’s vulnerable and scared like the rest of us. Especially of losing you, the only woman he’s ever really loved.” He pointed at me. “And if you tell him I told you that, I’ll disown you before you become my sister.”

I moved to sit next to him. “You think that’s where we headed?”

“He’s never been scared of marriage like me and Langston. My guess is the third time is a charm. But do not hurt me if he still hasn’t asked you a year from now. I told you I stay out of my brother’s life. Still, I couldn’t let pride be the reason you ended the sweetest love ever. A love that began pure and innocent.”

I hugged his neck. “I’ll make sure that man of mine makes me an honest woman even if I have to drag him down the aisle myself.”

I JUMPED IN MY CAR, trying to figure out where he would be since Remi doubted he would be home. Then, as I drove near my condo, I thought about what happened in Vegas and my dog, Roblé, whom Jace adored, and I smiled. I parked illegally and hurried up the stairs to the second floor instead of using the elevator. I unlocked my door and opened it. On my sofa, Jace was knocked out, and Roblé rested on his chest. He really needs me. I touched my heart and kneeled next to him.