In a last ditch effort to persuade her I produce the marriage certificate Officer Sem just gave to me.
“I don’t remember anything that happened that month.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
Then she gets out of bed and I expect her to hug me, instead she hits me hard in the center of my chest. “You’re my husband and you just left me with amnesia and pregnant?”
“I didn’t know you were pregnant until three days ago. I’ve traveled non-stop across half the galaxy for the past three days to get here as fast as I could.”
“Visiting hours are over,” a nurse in the corridor says.
“Come with me and I’ll explain everything. Georgiana you wanted to return to Earth.”
“Why would I leave my husband if you were a good man?”
“Because you hated my sister and my mother and my alien world. The Empress imprisoned you…”
“That’s an impressive imagination you’ve got.”
Her words are sarcastic but her brown eyes look indecisive. Goddesses help me, I do the same thing I did on Walpurgis night. I use my stealth transport and take her with me. We transport into the Alliance Force’s SUV.
“I feel nauseous,” she says as I lay her down across the seats.
“I’m taking you to a doctor. A real doctor.”
I start the transport and as soon as I can we take flight and are in orbit heading towards the moon. It only takes a ten minutes to reach Alliance Force. Once there, I carry Georgiana to the medical center where the doctor and Caroline are waiting for her.
I lay her down on a medical bed. “When will she remember me?”
“Why are you all speaking a different language?” Georgiana asks.
“Because you’re no longer on Earth,” Caroline replies in English. “It’s okay. We know you and you’ve been here before.”
Georgiana looks horrified. “You’ve abducted me before?”
“Georgiana, you can trust me and everyone here,” I tell her with my translator still on English, but I’m still prepared for her to run any minute as is her custom.
No sooner had I thought it than she springs from the medical bed and tries to run. But she doesn’t get far. I catch her before she can leave the medical center. “See I know you well enough to know what you do.” She feels so good in my arms and I don’t want to let her go, but she’s squirming. “Now please allow the doctor to give you your memories back so that we can discuss everything.”
Georgiana looks into my eyes like she may know me but then looks away. It must be strange for her. Her physical body recognizes me but her mind doesn’t. Regardless, after a few seconds of confusion, I place her on the medical bed but I don’t let go of her shoulders. I’m under the impression that if I don’t hold her, she will run. And I don’t want the doctor to restrain her. I’d rather do it myself.
“Had I been here when you two first came through, there is no way you could have convinced me you were married,” the doctor says while fitting her with a translator again.
“They were in love,” Caroline interjects. “Without telepathy we couldn’t have known that they weren’t really married. You didn’t see them.”
The doctor shakes his head as he works. “I’m using the same translator she had before. It’s better for the mind as it’s familiar.” After a few minutes, the doctor says, “Georgiana I’m going to use my medical skills to relax you. It’s not good for you to be so upset. You need to save your energy to be angry for Axl for what he’s done.”
I give the doctor a look.
“I’m taking care of my patient.”
“What’s he done besides abduct me and is holding me down now?” Georgiana asks.
“Good the translator is working,” the doctor says casually. “As for Axl, you’ll find out soon enough. Nothing too terrible though. Now do I have your permission to restore your memories?”
“You can do that?”
“Yes. I was the one who erased them in the first place.”