“All night?”
“As long as I can without being detected.”
Georgiana nods agreement at this arrangement and I take her hand again. More fines from the High Council mark our steps as we walk on towards the High Priestess’s Punishment Rooms. I am, more or less, a regular visitor here and the High Priestess and I know each other well. In my line of work, I’m frequently seeking purification for my sins, but I hope it won’t be too much for Georgiana.
The House Zu guards wait outside the building as we walk in. The smell of incense, blood, and wood surrounds us. I stop Georgiana in the foyer. “We must remove our clothing here.”
She looks around at the nuns who have followed us in. “With these people watching us?”
“They are devout followers of the goddesses.”
“They still have eyes.”
“Georgiana, we must do this. Remember my promise to you. Keep that in mind when you want to walk away.”
With that she reluctantly begins taking off her clothing and I take off mine. She is naked first and I must admit seeing her naked in the Punishment Rooms sends something through me and I must control myself not to become aroused. My mind races to what it will look like, her laying prostate and being whipped on her pale skin for the pleasure I gave her. And that she hasn’t learned her lesson, that she wants me to come back to her rooms tonight. Now, I must think of something else or I will embarrass us both with my erection in this holy place.
The thought of Axl staying with me in my bed another night is definitely worth the price of whatever this alien bloody payment will be. I’ve never been whipped before, but the way Axl is talking about it, how bad can it be?
But I’m already uncomfortable. I don’t like the way all these religious people are watching me as I take off my clothing. I don’t like the way they are staring at my vulva. I’ve not seen many women naked in my life, but I don’t think my body is vastly different to other women. But still, I try to cover myself with my hands.
“Don’t conceal your body, Georgiana. You are beautiful that’s why they are staring.”
“They,” I move my eyes to the High Priestess’s followers, “are staring at me as if they’ve never seen a woman before.”
“They’ve probably never seen a human woman before. Remember, Alliance people don’t have body hair.”
“You really didn’t wax?”
“Now I feel embarrassed.”
He moves his hands over mine and forces them away then runs his fingers through the hair between my legs. “You are stunning, and I wouldn’t want you to shave this. Without it your exquisiteness would be incomplete.” In the distance, I hear his phone sounding with the familiar notification of a fine from his government for touching me.
I want to say, ‘thank you,’ but I’m too moved. No man has ever spoken to me like that. I feel energized by his compliment. I’m ready to be whipped by the High Priestess is for our punishment if it means Axl will be with me tonight.
“And you don’t need to worry about your nipples not being pierced.”
“What?” I cover my nipples and he puts my hands at my sides and surveys my breasts. Out of the corner of my eye I see his penis twitching.
“I’m joking.”
Before I can reply one of the High Priestess’s followers has come to let us know they are ready. “Your purification can commence.”
We walk into the High Priestess’s Punishment Room. I smell incense burning, but it’s not enough to cover the smell of blood. It’s a spacious room made of dark yellow stone decorated with beautiful calligraphy on the walls.It takes a minute for my translator to register the artistic writing. The calligraphy highlights the benefits of extreme purification through blood and punishments. As we walk through with our bare feet, I notice the stone floor is wet. I hope it’s only wet with water, as it looks like it’s just been washed. Along the walls are many statues of various gods and goddesses with green candles, not white candles, burning in front of them. However, these statues are not presented in the grand manner they were in the last place we were that was called the ‘Chamber of the Gods.’ These statues are smaller and look angrier, or it might just be my imagination.
I look over at Axl and he feels my gaze on him and turns. I mouth the words, “I can’t do this.”
But instead of answering me, he takes my hand briefly and squeezes it while giving me a confident nod.
The High Priestess is waiting for us with another young woman who is wearing a long and flowing transparent green dress. I can see every part of her body. All I can think while looking at her is that Axl is probably telling the truth because this woman has no body hair. And there’s no question by her face, hips, and breasts that she’s a woman, not a girl. I find it strange that she’s in this religious place naked in this tantalizing dress. But this is an alien planet after all.
The High Priestess’s nuns tell us where to stand on the stone floor and I notice that there are geometric groves going around my feet. I hope that they are darker from the shadows of age and not from blood. I want to bend down and run my finger in the groove to test my hypothesis, but before I can the High Priestess is addressing me.